Wildfire in Tarragona burns out of control after razing more than 4,000 hectares
Authorities say the blaze broke out when manure spontaneously combusted on a farm in Torre de l’Espanyol
Authorities say the blaze broke out when manure spontaneously combusted on a farm in Torre de l’Espanyol
The controversial broadcast with Arnaldo Otegi has led to calls from right-wing parties for the head of RTVE, Rosa María Mateo, to resign
The leader of the anti-austerity party, Pablo Iglesias, warned that Pedro Sánchez will not have enough votes to be sworn in on the first round of voting, which is likely to take place on July 16
The bizarre series of events unfolded in Madrid, after a mother and her daughter sought to put a contract out on a man who had swindled them out of €60,000
The far-right group has accused the conservatives of breaking a power-sharing agreement and has said it will “move to the opposition” in Madrid in response
The worst of the weather is yet to come, with red alerts – the highest on the three-level scale – expected on Friday
Over a period of six months, Spain took in 1,000 people who were stranded in the Mediterranean while other EU countries turned them away. These are some of their stories
The Popular Party eliminates politically charged messages that were introduced on street banners by the previous leftist administration
Three top officials have resigned in protest over the group’s dealings with the far-right Vox and refusal to support the Socialists
Catalina Muñoz Arranz took the toy with her to her execution, and nearly eight decades later it has been returned to her child, who was just eight months old when she was killed
Temperatures are forecast to rise above 35ºC across the peninsula and the Balearic Islands from Wednesday
Francisco Serrano, who leads the far-right party in Andalusia, criticized the Supreme Court ruling which found five men guilty of raping an 18-year-old woman
The country ranks third in the EU for reported cases of listeriosis, which is caused by a common bacteria that withstands freezing temperatures and oxygen starvation
The five members of “La Manada,” as the group of friends is known, have been found guilty by the judges of rape, and not the lesser charge of sexual abuse
The Madrid Medical Association has barred Isabel Bellostas from practicing for 364 days after she promoted this theory, which has been repeatedly disproved by scientific studies
Spain’s election board decides that Carles Puigdemont, Oriol Junqueras and Antoni Comín cannot be MEPs because they have not fulfilled a legal requirement to pledge compliance with the Constitution
The US tech visionary, founder of the MIT Media Lab, was in Madrid for a talk on innovation, and he spoke with EL PAÍS about his predictions for the future
The new Popular Party-led administration in the Spanish capital will have to decide whether to scrap Madrid Central entirely, or tweak it to avoid sanctions over air quality infringement
This week we discuss plans by the new mayor of the capital to ditch a scheme aimed at reducing pollution, and also examine an app that was used to spy on Spanish bars
EL PAÍS has accessed recordings that police made of the group who tried to sell the WikiLeaks founder sensitive personal material from his stay at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London
After breaking with Ciudadanos, the former French prime minister speaks to EL PAÍS about why he believes the center-right party has betrayed its liberal and progressive values
Her alleged aggressor, Salvador Ramírez, was convicted for killing his first wife in the year 2002 and sent to jail, but released early after good behavior
Most protests achieve minor concessions or fail completely. But some have caused substantial political changes. What characterizes those that succeed?
Acting PM Pedro Sánchez and Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias have hit a stumbling block in their slow-moving negotiations to reach a deal ahead of an investiture vote
Yolanda Martínez, Luna Fernández and Lubna Miludi were located by EL PAÍS in Syria, but two of them have been moved from camp to camp, and are still awaiting a decision about their repatriation
The acting prime minister may lose the promised abstention of a pro-Catalan independence party, after the Socialists supported incumbent Mayor Ada Colau in Barcelona
Collin Daniel Richards, who has a long criminal history including domestic abuse and assault, pleaded guilty to murdering the 22-year-old on a golf course in Iowa