Donald Trump
President-elect Donald Trump, pictured at the launch of the SpaceX Starship rocket in Brownsville, Texas.REUTERS

The red lines the market won’t let Donald Trump cross

Big investors are enjoying a stock market at an all-time high, driven by the tycoon’s victory. However, they are beginning to become suspicious of his costly proposals, which would drive up inflation and harm the millions of retail investors who voted for him

Adele, the fictional character with whom Daniel was deceived.
Adele, the fictional character with whom Daniel was deceived.T. WESTER

Crypto, lies and torture: Inside the scam compounds of Southeast Asia

T. W.|Southern Sweden, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Sihanoukville (Cambodia)

Tens of thousands of cyber slaves are held captive in Southeast Asia’s scam compounds, working around the clock to defraud love-seeking victims through dating apps and social media

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