The cry of a Pope who never raised his voice
Benedict XVI tried and failed to remove pedophile clerics and corrupt moneymen from the Vatican
Benedict XVI tried and failed to remove pedophile clerics and corrupt moneymen from the Vatican
Classes are still suspended in the affected areas and parents are worried about the effect the noise and destruction is having on the emotional lives of their kids
A social life on hold, fear of going out and difficulties with new technology are exacerbating the loneliness felt by the elderly, who account for 20% of the population of Spain
Illegally spying on former Popular Party treasurer Luis Bárcenas was just one of the jobs carried out without judicial oversight by a group of officers who also disseminated false evidence against Catalan separatists and the leftist party Podemos. EL PAÍS has reconstructed events based on testimony from their targets
Francisco Nicolás Gómez Iglesias talks to EL PAÍS about how he went from rubbing shoulders with Spain’s political elite to facing up to 30 years in jail for fraud
The 12 leaders charged for their role in the 2017 secession bid insisted that their only aim was to give Catalans a chance to express themselves through a referendum
In closing arguments, lawyers for independence leaders accepted the lesser charge but denied accusations of rebellion, sedition and misuse of public funds
The prosecution and the defense’s strategies will hinge on whether any violence was used during the bid for unilateral secession
Pablo Casado supports more restrictive abortion legislation, and reforms to election laws
A record-breaking amount of the illicit drug is arriving in Spanish port cities such as Algeciras and Valencia
Former Olympic athlete Iñaki Urdangarin was once a golden boy, but his royal connections saw him poisoned in a world of privilege and he came to believe he was untouchable
As a very public spat with her mother-in-law revealed last week, balancing her need for privacy with the obligations of the Spanish monarchy has proved difficult for the former news anchor
Experts say that region is polarized like never before, and warn of threat of low-level violence
The global repercussion of the Catalan crisis has alarmed international companies, pushing them to move their legal headquarters
Recent operations have divided Mossos and called into question relations with other forces and judiciary
Doubters and opponents of referendum are faced with hordes of flag-waving separatists
After 20 years behind bars, ex-convicts return to a different and more diverse reality in Basque Country
On Donald Trump, the Pontiff says: “I don’t like to get ahead of myself. It would be like prophets predicting calamities or windfalls that will not come to pass”
But only victims and their relatives may access an archive made up of thousands of letters
“When ISIS attacks the Vatican, he will wish I was president,” Republican fires back
Pontiff tells leaders to make country a land “where you don’t have to emigrate to dream”
Monsignor Vallejo, who remains in custody, is the prefect secretary for economic affairs
Pontiff due to arrive from Cuba, where he refused to criticize Castro regime
Pontiff makes no mention of political and social situations on visit to communist island
Madrid Mayor Manuela Carmena demands a discussion on prostitution and corruption
“New colonialism always tightens belts of worker and the poor,” says pontiff Vatican officials taken aback by President Morales’ hammer and sickle crucifix gift
Pontiff reported to have sipped coca-based tea before reaching high-altitude destination President hopes Francis will offer to mediate in border conflict with Chile