Two Catalan separatists confess to making and testing explosives
Both were held on Monday as part of a raid against suspected terrorist activity by members of the Committees to Defend the Republic (CDR)
Both were held on Monday as part of a raid against suspected terrorist activity by members of the Committees to Defend the Republic (CDR)
Investigators say the three men knew that their products had tested positive for listeria but did nothing to get rid of the bacteria
Nine alleged members of the CDR protest group have been arrested ahead of the anniversary of the illegal independence referendum of October 1, 2017
Iñaki Urdangarin, who is married to Felipe VI’s sister Cristina, will spend two days a week helping disabled adults as he completes his five-year prison sentence for embezzlement
According to officials, members of the center-right party did not suffer “physical aggression,” nor did they follow instructions from authorities
EL PAÍS has had access to a photograph of the drug-filled suitcase that was intercepted in Spain as Jair Bolsonaro’s support aircraft traveled to the Group of 20 summit in Japan
The man, who was traveling on the backup aircraft used by President Jair Bolsonaro, was carrying the drugs in packages contained in his hand luggage
Police investigation finds that alleged ringleader Carlos Aranda bet and won on a game that had been pre-arranged, while wiretaps reveal that the former soccer player gave instructions to a partner on how to do a deal with one of the teams
Police arrest nearly a dozen people, including the alleged ringeader Raúl Bravo, a former Real Madrid footballer who also played on the national team
Before his arrest in the French Alps last week, the former leader of the Basque terrorist organization had spent 17 years on the run after participating in some of the group’s bloodiest attacks
The ex-leader of the now-defunct Basque terror group fled Spain in 2002 to avoid being tried for an attack in Zaragoza that killed 11 people
But all five, who are on trial for the 2017 secession bid, must return to prison after the opening sessions of parliament on May 21
The device that had been installed at the house of Pablo Iglesias and Irene Montero had to be replaced by the Civil Guard after the anti-austerity party was made aware of the intrusion
Two of the Spaniards located at a camp for Islamic State followers are already under investigation by Spain’s High Court, and all three could face terrorism charges back home
In 2016, the PP-run Interior Ministry granted legal residency status to a Venezuelan national who provided unverified information about the left-wing party’s leader, Pablo Iglesias
The US denies any involvement in the mysterious break-in, although the group leader contacted the FBI
Spanish judge investigating the strange incident at the diplomatic mission in Madrid has lifted the seal on the probe
“We are a common-sense party and of course we support the right to self-defense of upstanding Spaniards,” says Santiago Abascal, the head of the far-right group
Three inmates who were involved in the 2004 train attacks have been given better conditions in jail for good behavior, while five remain in the most restrictive prison regime
Interior Ministry is receiving information from officers working on Operation Gallant Phoenix that could serve as evidence against returning fighters
Interior Ministry worried about returning combatants, but says the greatest threat continues to be homegrown terrorist cells
Rebeca Santamalia, a respected attorney in Zaragoza, Spain, had been romantically involved with Salvador Calvo, who jumped off a bridge after stabbing her to death
Five policemen and one Tax Agency employee are under scrutiny for allegedly giving confidential information to ex-police chief José Manuel Villarejo
Law enforcement is bracing for street protests planned by pro-independence groups for the arrival of Pedro Sánchez in Catalonia on December 21
The state-owned company Defex is under investigation for paying illegal commissions to officials and execs in exchange for weapons contracts
Rodrigo Rato today began his four-and-a-half year sentence in connection with a corporate credit card scandal involving €12.5 million in embezzled money
Investigators at the Spanish High Court say bribes were paid by state company Defex to secure arms contracts