Spain gets a new PM, but what can he push through parliament?
Given the arithmetic in Congress and stated intentions of opposition parties, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is facing a term that is likely to be beset by problems from the start
Given the arithmetic in Congress and stated intentions of opposition parties, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is facing a term that is likely to be beset by problems from the start
The ruling today that convicted several Socialist politicians was related to a multi-million-euro fraud scheme, but unlike the scandal that rocked the PP, there was no money laundering nor illegal party financing
Rocío Monasterio signed floor plans before being a registered architect, and she and her husband sold industrial properties that were used for residential purposes
Ahead of the general election on April 28, here is a summary of where each group stands on issues such as taxation, immigration, employment and clean energy
Judges are investigating moves by politicians and police officials to find or fabricate damning evidence against political rivals of the Popular Party
The device that had been installed at the house of Pablo Iglesias and Irene Montero had to be replaced by the Civil Guard after the anti-austerity party was made aware of the intrusion
The prosecution and the defense’s strategies will hinge on whether any violence was used during the bid for unilateral secession
EL PAÍS debunks four false accusations made against Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez in a joint manifesto from the Popular Party, Ciudadanos and Vox
BBVA is alleged to have hired retired police chief José Manuel Villarejo to carry out industrial espionage in order to fend off an unwanted shareholder
The ecclesiastical leadership in the country refuses to provide any data on the incidents that it is aware of, with just three of the 70 dioceses passing on information to the prosecutor
Madrid and Valencia among municipalities under scrutiny as judge widens bid-rigging probe
With no majority, the conservatives need help from Ciudadanos in the regional assembly But the emerging party is taking a tough line on corruption before agreeing any pacts
Investigators claim former deputy PM moved shares to dodge civil liabilities payments
Other China-related case also shelved in wake of changes to universal justice doctrine
Move comes after arrest of entire family by Civil Guard in Badalona on Tuesday A brother of the two 16-year-olds died last year fighting alongside a jihadist group
Official suspects slapped with civil bonds and fines totalling €449 million That amount is the estimated cost to the public coffers from hundreds of rigged bids
Ex-treasurer Bárcenas and former Popular Party minister Ana Mato among those cited
David Marjaliza also claimed to have won the lottery eight times between 2012 and 2014
EL PAÍS analyzes the claims and counter-claims made by the PM and the opposition
Internal audit office says ruling party used €1.5m in off-the-books money to pay for work
At least 80 percent of over-payments were made to 12 top members of the bank’s board
Magistrate believes Ana Mato “personally profited” from ex-husband’s alleged crimes
The treatment of the spouses of corruption suspects in Spain has varied from case to case
Police carry out simultaneous searches of Oleguer Pujol Ferrusola’s home and businesses
Politicians at the bank were able to use credit cards on undeclared expenses
Mariano Rajoy's voices thoughts on Scottish independence vote as a warning to Catalonia
PP government wants to eliminate “aforamiento” for judges, attorneys and justices of the peace