I hate the bicycle lane!
Supporters and detractors of segregated infrastructure are divided over Madrid measures
Supporters and detractors of segregated infrastructure are divided over Madrid measures
Vodafone, Spotify, Paypal, eBay and Facebook will have their own floats at Saturday’s event
Spain was the guest country in Bordeaux this week at one of the world’s leading wine fairs
Officials want them to become a new symbol for the city and an acknowledgement of its diversity
There are now 20 or 30 straight and gay bars in the capital where sex between patrons is part of the night out
The Spanish capital will host the international celebration as well as the Euro Pride event
A perceived lack of stimulation in the school system and the cost of childcare is prompting some families to pool resources
Madrid youth offered live coverage of his speeding feats, and is seen taking drugs behind the wheel
Thousands of foreigners are coming to the country to visit clinics – and the beach
32-year-old victim dies after hit-and-run in the early hours of Sunday morning
Rain compounds trouble for motorists trapped in their second great snarl of the month
Council’s finance section argues that it has no plans to get further into debt Auditors note that existing €4bn owed still needs to be refinanced and warn against default
Police believe that the mixer’s handbrake was either released or was faulty 37-year-old killed instantly in the incident, which took place in the Chueca neighborhood
Manuela Carmena says her group’s election program was more “a list of suggestions” After already dealing with two internal crises, council to focus on housing policies
Spain’s DGT traffic authority has sparked outrage with its proposals Users would also be obliged to register their bicycles and purchase insurance
US ambassador James Costos opens cultural institution’s second Spanish center
Politicans still cannot agree on what to do with the monument that houses Franco’s tomb
Not all political groups have been as successful as Podemos in leveraging their brands
Power company Iberdrola’s timetable has made its 9,000-strong workforce happier But the rest of the country’s private sector is reluctant to make the change
Incidence of HIV in Spain remains above EU average despite widely available information
Spanish inventors offer advice for turning eureka moments into commercial realities
Young, self-taught online video-makers are giving the TV networks a run for their money
Alternative market helped revive rundown Chueca and Malasaña after it opened in 1998
Revelers shout for city Mayor to resign as 2014 festival is forced out of epicenter of gay district
Madrid exhibition ‘We Traders’ is encouraging people to protest a bit less and act a bit more The show highlights 25 civic initiatives from five European countries