Vox politician on “Wolf-Pack” verdict: “Only sex through prostitution is safe”
Francisco Serrano, who leads the far-right party in Andalusia, criticized the Supreme Court ruling which found five men guilty of raping an 18-year-old woman
Francisco Serrano, who leads the far-right party in Andalusia, criticized the Supreme Court ruling which found five men guilty of raping an 18-year-old woman
The former US president spent the morning visiting the city, where his daughter Malia lived for a few months
The Socialist Party, Ciudadanos, Popular Party and Vox have criticized the move from López Obrador, but the left-wing Unidas Podemos group has defended the Mexican president
The far-right party had campaigned for cuts to government funding, but benefits from substantial aid now that it has 12 seats in the Andalusian parliament
The party claims it has seen complaints that some government employees are unqualified to shape decisions on child custody and abuse
After 36 years, the southern region gets a conservative government, supported by far-right party Vox, which has entered Spain’s institutions for the first time
Feminist groups took to the streets to demonstrate against the policies of far-right party Vox, whose votes will be key to seeing Juan Manuel Moreno of the Popular Party voted in as premier
Far-right Vox, whose support is required to eject the PSOE from power, is already clashing with Ciudadanos
After long negotiations in the wake of elections last December, the conservative group’s deal will see the Socialist Party lose power in the region for the first time in 36 years
The decision heralds the end of 36 years of Socialist Party rule
Main associations will issue a joint manifesto and organize street marches in the coming days
The conservatives today supported the center-right group’s bid to take control of the speaker’s committee in parliament, paving the way for their candidate to stand as premier
Socialist Party suffers an unexpected setback as it stands to get ousted after 36 years in power
Vox becomes the first such group to win a major success since Spain returned to democracy, and holds the key to forming a government with Ciudadanos, Popular Party
Spanish defense authorities rescind their contract with Alfonso Jesús Cabezuelo over 2016 sexual abuse of an 18-year-old girl
The outcome of the December 2 vote could encourage the Socialist Party government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez to call all Spaniards to the polls before the current term ends
Videos on the convicted sex offenders’ cellphones revealed their groping and assault of an unconscious 21-year-old during a car journey
Cristian’s parents are challenging a regional government decision to pull their son out of his familiar environment on the basis it will be too traumatic for him
High-speed train links, cheap apartment rentals and online entertainment packages have made these destinations irresistible to revelers, but locals are less than amused
Refugee centers are unable to keep up with the soaring numbers, with 1,300 people arriving in the past three days
Antonio Manuel Guerrero, convicted of sexually abusing an 18-year-old, will remain free despite attempting to get a new passport
The Brotherhood of La Macarena has agreed to move Queipo de Llano’s body to comply with the region’s Historic and Democratic Law
Alfonso Jesús Cabezuelo will not be assigned to any post until the Supreme Court reviews his appeal
National Police rejected the application by Antonio Manuel Guerrero, who is currently out on bail ahead of serving a nine-year jail sentence for sexually abusing an 18-year-old
As the Spanish anti-austerity party celebrates its first year, its leader talks to EL PAÍS
Zambrada Niebla is the son of the powerful drug organization's leader Plea agreement with US Justice Department surprises Mexican officials
President Maduro pleads with American people to ask their leaders to vote against sanctions