Hurricane Ian leaves trail of destruction in Florida
The storm has been downgraded to a Category 1 due to plunging wind speeds, but could still inflict damage as it heads for Georgia and South Carolina
The storm has been downgraded to a Category 1 due to plunging wind speeds, but could still inflict damage as it heads for Georgia and South Carolina
A joint investigation by EL PAÍS and Armando.info unveils the inner workings of a scheme involving dozens of individuals and companies that illicitly sold crude and transferred the money through tax havens in a shady multi-million-dollar business
General Vladimir Padrino López warns he will tolerate no more such behavior from the National Guard
Rioting and looting in Barinas, birthplace of Hugo Chávez, after clashes with security forces
Meanwhile, President Maduro accused by Brazilian publicists of illegally funding Chávez campaign
Official report shows effects of a chronic shortage of medicine and supplies at hospitals and pharmacies
Puputov cocktails are becoming popular on social media, with step-by-step “recipes” available
Angry crowd turns on embattled leader amid mounting protests organized by opposition
Move comes as president introduces higher denomination bills to combat spiraling inflation
Congress slams President Maduro after US court finds wife’s nephews guilty of drug trafficking
Henry Capriles and others close the door to negotiations that the Church had planned to host
Doubts remain about how much the talks can achieve in the strife-torn country
Opposition leverages discontent with inflation and lack of basic goods, stepping up pressure on government
Next step to ousting the president is collecting 20% of voters’ signatures
National Electoral Council has confirmed verification, bringing plebiscite a step closer
Venezuelan government is accusing Spain of being part of international coalition preparing invasion
Decision by biggest carrier in the Latin America region follows similar moves by Lufthansa, Air Canada and Alitalia
Maduro will announce new economic measures under his emergency decree
The country, home to one of the world’s biggest reserves, has purchased 550,000 barrels
Opposition expected to reject measures despite approval from country’s Supreme Court
Decisions by legislative body will be invalid if three deputies are not removed, justices say
Speaker of opposition-controlled house sworn in at ceremony attended by independent press
MUD deputies are scheduled to be sworn in as Maduro government tries to curb their power
Justices stop four assembly members from taking their seats while it examines cases Opposition says all of its deputies will be on hand when it takes control of house next week
If appeal accepted, the swearing in of new National Assembly members will be postponed
Maduro promises to veto any political prisoner amnesty law coming out of new Assembly
President has ramped up verbal attacks against his critics in recent days He has also started a campaign to galvanize disenchanted voters