“Cataleños”: The emotional tsunami of Catalans living in Madrid
They built new lives in the Spanish capital, but are now caught between two worlds on the issue of secession
They built new lives in the Spanish capital, but are now caught between two worlds on the issue of secession
The mayor of Barcelona has positioned herself on the side of those who cause division, at the expense of her city
Interference from Russia in the Catalan independence crisis has spiked concerns about the manipulation of public opinion
Spanish foreign minister sees evidence of “attempt to affect natural democratic course of events in Catalonia”
Sandra Kalniete, the vice president of the European People’s Party, states that any comparison between Catalonia and the Baltic republics is an offense to the victims of communism
No attack of empty rhetoric can justify the allegations of the survival of Francoism in Spain
Team that detects and fights Russian cyber-attacks warns of campaign to aggravate Catalan crisis
But other pro-independence parties seem disinclined to join the PDeCAT in a joint run
Catalan secessionists have brought back into use a term that was originally employed in the 18th century against the Bourbon army
Ex-communist leaders tortured under Franco criticize comparisons with today’s jailed Catalan officials
European Commission “cannot anticipate at this stage” the impact of a protracted crisis
The law passed by the regional parliament on September 7 that paved the way for the October 1 referendum has also been struck down by the tribunal
The people who will have to deal with the ongoing secessionist crisis are, unfortunately, politicians with low popularity ratings
Concern over secession soared from 7.8% in September to 29% in October, according to a CIS survey
“I am not sympathetic to demands for freedom from people who have enjoyed nothing but freedom their entire lives,” writes this former secretary general of the Spanish Communist Party
Podem will be teaming up with Catalonia in Common, a leftist coalition that includes Barcelona in Common, the party of Mayor Ada Colau
Former Catalan regional premier Carles Puigdemont is mocking those exiled under Franco, hurting his allies and provoking the Belgians
Around 200 separatist mayors are traveling to Belgium today to “explain the situation in Catalonia”
Neither one is inevitable, as illustrated by the cases of Italy’s Padania and the Basque Country
A judge will decide on their arrest and extradition to Spain, but the decision could be still appealed
Constitutional reform must facilitate advanced public policy
The Belgian prosecutor has stated that it will take action to apprehend Carles Puigdemont – who is currently in Brussels – as soon as it receives the European order
Intelligence Committee questions Twitter, Facebook and Google on Moscow’s agitation in favor of secessionism
New report considers impact of uncertainty on consumption, investment, employment and financing
While the incarceration of former members of the Catalan government may cause political problems, the justice system has an obligation to act
Speaking from Belgium, Puigdemont criticizes judge’s decision to place his ministers in pre-trial custody
European Arrest Warrant could be issued for former regional premier of Catalonia, currently in Brussels