Raquel Martí, the executive director of UNRWA Spain, is demanding that Israel open the crossings in the territory. If it does not, ‘the people don’t die from the bombs, they will die from starvation’
The Supreme Court has ordered an investigation into what it terms an ‘alarming phenomena of violence’ against immigrants and incitement to ‘racist pogroms’
The mafias who controlled the ship that sank off the coast of southern Greece have links to Khalifa Hafter, the warlord who controls eastern Libya. Some EU states – including Italy – want to “collaborate” with Hafter to curb immigration, according to an investigation conducted by EL PAÍS and Lighthouse Reports
The southern region of the ‘red island’ was thought to be the first country that would experience famine as a result of climate change, but experts warn that the cause of this crisis is structural poverty
The outbreak of conflict in Khartoum has led to over 385,000 people fleeing to troubled Chad, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Egypt and Central African Republic, all of which were already hosting hundreds of thousands of refugees
On February 26, a boat carrying around 200 migrants capsized 40 meters off the Italian coast. Various agencies failed to detect the risk and did not activate a rescue operation on time. An investigation by EL PAÍS with ‘Lighthouse Reports’ and other media outlets exposes the fatal chain of errors
An experiment in Medellín suggests vector control using the mass introduction of a species infected with a parasitic bacteria could be the most promising strategy yet against dengue fever
A team of researchers from Barcelona has studied the cellular mechanism that allowed a woman to be ‘functionally’ cured despite not taking antiretrovirals
The first generation of Chinese children to be adopted by Spanish families in 1995 is turning 18
A documentary charts the difficulties they faced fitting into a society unused to immigration
Hundreds of women are working in virtual slavery in brothels throughout the province
Trapped by their debts to traffickers, they have seen their conditions worsen with the crisis
The number of female recruits in the armed forces has remained stable at around 12 percent since the services were opened up to both sexes 25 years ago