Ex-treasurer’s revelations rattle Spain’s Popular Party ahead of illegal funding trial
Luis Bárcenas has sent prosecutors a letter promising to cooperate and naming senior party officials who allegedly accepted regular payments of undeclared money
Luis Bárcenas has sent prosecutors a letter promising to cooperate and naming senior party officials who allegedly accepted regular payments of undeclared money
An alert from a US organization followed American month-day-year usage, but this was misread by investigators in Spain. As a result, four people went through a nightmare situation
New revelations in an ongoing investigation into an international criminal ring show that some of the shipments tested positive for listeriosis
A German-born writer who is now 74 will stand trial for killing a young woman and her unborn child after DNA tests allowed investigators to identify an unclaimed body
Spain’s High Court has ordered the Justice Ministry to pay two grandparents €50,000 in damages for failing to protect their right to see their grandchildren
While the ruling is not expected until next week, legal sources said the 12 defendants will not be convicted of the top charge they were facing over the 2017 breakaway bid
The scam, which was run by three lawyers, involved filing fraudulent claims for rebates in the names of high-profile sportsmen who were residents in other countries
Márquez Caberera, who held a top post at PDVSA under Hugo Chávez, was found hanging from his own belt just days after agreeing to cooperate in a money laundering probe
The new measure will, however, only be available with a court order, and will not permit officers to carry out on-the-spot checks
Balwant Singh lost his job and residency permit after a criminal assumed his name on a failed breathalyzer test
Tomás Martínez speaks bitterly about the year he spent in jail after being wrongly accused of belonging to a drug gang in the south of Spain
The man who was contacted by the pope after he wrote to him about the sexual assaults he suffered at the hands of Catholic priests breaks his silence in an interview with EL PAÍS
Footage made by jihadists who killed 16 people last year reveals that they were planning bigger massacre
Prosecutors analyzing years’ worth of offensive statements by Quim Torra, who is being sworn in today
Newlyweds’ romantic trip was brought to a crashing end after husband was arrested by customs officers on arrival in Spain
Suspect was wearing fake bomb belt when he ran towards Catalan officers after killing 16 in August 2017
Prosecutors met in The Hague to exchange evidence that includes videos showing episodes of violence
The meeting with German legal representatives is aimed at finding ways to ensure Carles Puigdemont is extradited back to Spain in order to face charges of rebellion
Supreme Court seeks to stop Puigdemont and aides from gaining power before rebellion trial begins
Judge says officers were set to incinerate documents showing alleged misuse of federal rescue funds
Sympathizers rally in downtown Barcelona to protest, while regional premier calls emergency meeting
But Ángel María Villar, arrested Tuesday on corruption charges, was not aware of scale of investigation
Ángel María Villar, his son and other senior officials taken into custody and offices searched
Four suspects arrested in Palma de Mallorca over ties to ISIS; UK-based imam was their spiritual leader
Manuel Moix admits partial ownership of offshore company that owns luxury property outside Madrid
Madrid court mulls seven-year jail term for Spanish resident who wooed Australian woman online
Anti-corruption prosecutor says electric utility hatched plan to “illicitly” make €20 million