The United States and Mexico agree to strengthen their efforts to ‘disrupt’ criminal migrant networks
The diplomatic delegations agreed on the need to keep the border open for trade
The diplomatic delegations agreed on the need to keep the border open for trade
EL PAÍS contacted the Swedish Embassy to find out if there is any truth in the trending topic
The notorious ‘Ecce Homo’ painting from Borja and the cartoonish work on a 16th-century sculpture are two of four works that are being dispensed in Gashapon vending machines
Citizens are told they may only cross regional borders to see a very close circle of people, but are left wondering who qualifies
A vote by the public saw the thoroughfare get the unusual moniker, but it is not the only road in Spain to end up with a weird and wonderful designation
David Simon got drawn into sometimes bitter exchanges about politics, Franco and the meaning of some choice Spanish phrases after Unidas Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias recommended his latest show
The man who took the photo of the machine-translated webpage explains to Verne how an “innocent joke” among friends turned into viral sensation accusing EL PAÍS of incompetence
Health centers and doctors have expressed their appreciation for the noisy scenes of gratitude that were organized to pay tribute to everyone working while the country is in lockdown
Poor posture and spending too much time seated can lead to problems in the cervical and lumbar areas, but these can be avoided with stretches and exercise
The noisy scenes of gratitude were seen across the country, after messages suggesting the initiative spread over messaging services such as WhatsApp
Six people who have been telecommuting for years share their advice on how to avoid distractions, stay focused and set defined schedules
The plaques first appeared in the country in the 19th century but started to disappear after city halls began to employ their own professional firefighters
Marichuy Jaimes was killed in January 2016, launching her mother’s fight. A powerful video has surfaced online of Yesnia Zamudio’s fiery speech against femicide
The culprit has been placed under a restraining order and must pay reporter Raquel Guillán €2,000 in compensation
Adrià Ballester, 26, sees the act of chatting with complete strangers as a form of activism in an internet-dependent world where face-to-face interaction is becoming increasingly rare
Pedro Correa’s talk on the importance of listening to your inner voice at a university in Belgium has been seen more than five million times on Facebook
The famous Catalan ‘Caganer’ figurine is by far the most-cited festive curiosity by members of the non-native community in Spain
In the hope he might locate her, Hugh Elliott has shared on Twitter the story of how, 35 years ago, a local woman from Burgos gave him food and accommodation
The word has been used negatively during the election campaign to criminalize youngsters who, according to the Spanish ombudsman, are “the most vulnerable of the vulnerable”
The appearance of the Popular Party’s José Luis Martínez-Almeida on a TV show has gone viral on social media, after his answers left children and viewers somewhat surprised
Learn how to identify the signs of scammers in the Spanish market, who will often advertise properties that seem too good to be true, and will always be in a hurry to close the deal
The Barcelona-born pop superstar this week became the first female Spanish artist to win an MTV Video Music Award but her success has been a year in the making
Spain is home to 88 cathedrals but not all of them are easily recognizable. Take this test to see whether you can correctly identify where these 15 can be found
In this mini-city, children play at being adults: they get jobs, open bank accounts and obssess about money
A group of senior women, know as the Lideresas of Villaverde, have recreated iconic images from popular culture posing as Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs and the members of The Beatles
Verne speaks to visitors to the country about their first impressions of the controversial tradition after attending the Las Ventas ring in Madrid
Over 500,000 people cannot vote at the upcoming general election even though they have lived in the country all their lives