PP sues Socialists over tram project
Total costs of transport system in Parla, Madrid, double to 255.9m euros thanks to interest
Total costs of transport system in Parla, Madrid, double to 255.9m euros thanks to interest
Capital’s bid team has prepared meticulously for vote to decide 2020 host city
Socialist Party presents recourse to top court but is accused of opportunism by the PAH mortage victims group
Almost 12,000 would-be teachers take pot luck in official exams for 350 jobs
A Paleolithic flint quarry has been discovered at a housing development in Madrid The find has raised the question of how best to preserve historical sites such as these
Archeologists are hunting the town that produced the bodies found in a Visigothic necropolis in Vicálvaro Madrid authorities wants to build housing on the site
New requirements could result in half of learners dropping out, deans warn
Undergraduates affected by crisis must pay by September or leave courses
Section chief had complained to superiors about shortages Facility chief says legal minimums were covered
Protestors say there are no more avenues for their mortgage reform campaign Police told to identify doorstep demonstrators with first fines in the pipeline
Move follows Supreme Court ruling on 2010 two-day wildcat stoppage on subway system
Debate is hotting up between college leaders and Church officials in Madrid as they discuss the terms of an expiring agreement
Judge has opened a probe into the ownership of penthouse González previously claimed to have been renting
Lines on traditonal kids' parade route will operate at almost full strength
Minister José Ignacio Wert refutes notion that cutbacks in schools could affect quality of teaching
Station's workers on strike over plan to slash 925 posts from bloated roster
Regional premier González says households have 200 million euros’ worth of medicines at home
Spanish schools are seeking increasing numbers of foreign language educators But experts stress the importance of classroom expertise over nationality
Move comes as company considers earlier shutdown of service four nights a week
August incident saw two deaths and two other people injured
Monthly pass will go up 90 cents, from 51.30 to 52.20 euros Network also closes 14 entrances, with six others to follow
Three separate probes opened into death of technician and his family's Swiss au pair
Two survivors of Tuesday's accident escape with minor injuries.
Catalonia and Valencia already enforcing new measure in response to the government's plan
The rightwing Plataforma por la Libertad is hoping to exploit social unrest in Madrid town Some locals are opposing Islamic group’s plans for new worship center in Torrejón de Ardoz
Rajoy defends austerity reforms as part of “unbeatable recipe” for economic success
Sponsorship and shopping mall tolls considered as Metro Madrid hunts for new revenue streams