The underage migrants who changed Spain’s repatriation policy
A surge in complaints has led to more guarantees for the minors, but there is renewed political support for sending them back
A surge in complaints has led to more guarantees for the minors, but there is renewed political support for sending them back
Rising numbers of minors and young adults who are homeless and in some cases are committing crimes have left the local authorities overwhelmed
Authorities warn about the existence of “ghetto schools” where more than half of all students are foreign-born
Watch Spanish surgeons and an electronic assistant named Da Vinci successfully extract an organ from a live donor at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
In 11 years there will be more than 27 million people in the country with excess weight or obesity, which will mean an additional cost to the health system of €3 billion
A pediatric unit in a Catalan hospital uses a radio-controlled toy vehicle to reduce stress in children
Schools and businesses are taking measures to ensure they are not affected by the protests and strikes against the event
Health professionals, university professors, students and civil servants protested in Barcelona Thursday
Pressure is mounting on regional Catalan premier Quim Torra as strikes enter their third day
Temperatures reached over 46ºC in some areas; meteorology service announces onset of cooler weather
Anti-vaxxer movement in the Catalan capital has a following of several hundred families, but population is protected due to the high prevalence of immunization
Spain’s National Transplant Organization concludes 2012 procedure on former soccer player Éric Abidal, from a living donor, was carried out “in accordance with the law”
A probe has been opened after wiretaps of former Barça president Sandro Rosell suggest donor for Éric Abidal was not his cousin, as had been claimed, and that the organ was paid for
Academic tests show that Catalan students have the same or better language skills as students across Spain
Regional system shed 2,400 jobs and lost 1,100 hospital beds under former premier Artur Mas
Associations hope activities will ensure voting centers are not shut down for the independence referendum
Catalan police will not block access to voting stations if there is risk of street unrest
With 200 such substance-abuse cases registered in 2016, City Council opts to tackle phenomenon
Non-profit group warns that over half-a-million minors spend their afternoons and evenings on their own
Under the slogan, “Enough excuses” some 160,000 people urge authorities to fulfill EU quotas
Regional parliament approves motion to debate proposal to change Spanish penal code
A total of 60 minors in Catalonia have been infected, and two remain in serious condition
Catalan authorities say gastroenteritis virus must have tainted water at bottling plant in nearby Andorra
Health officials say a norovirus was found in patients who got sick from a product made in nearby Andorra
The infected patient, who lives in Catalonia, contracted disease on visit to Colombia
Juan José had six months to live before the surgery, the first of its kind in Spain since 2005
Child’s parents had not vaccinated him despite free service from health authorities He became the first case of the disease seen in Spain since 1987