Héctor Luis “El Güero” Palma Salazar, a longtime associate of infamous crime boss El Chapo, may soon walk free. He has several unsettled scores that are already troubling the authorities
The prestigious quarterly has selected 25 writers for its second list of the best authors under the age of 35, who are breaking geographical and linguistic paradigms
Afflicted by drug violence, this mining town in the central state of Zacatecas leads national polls for citizens’ lack of confidence in the safety of their surroundings
The player, known as ‘The Black Panther’ in Spain, was rumored to have died in a fight or from an overdose. EL PAÍS meets the trailblazer in a home in Texas, after his unexpected reappearance
The state of Michoacán is the world’s top producer of the fruit but the commercial boom for the superfood has brought with it violence, deforestation and job insecurity