Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy’s Carnival double is a hit on Twitter
Jogging leader parodied with frightening accuracy at carnival parade in Basque town of Tolosa
Jogging leader parodied with frightening accuracy at carnival parade in Basque town of Tolosa
Hugely popular Capitanes del Fútbol and Planeta Fútbol sites have been blocked by social media giant
Before dying from leukemia, Spanish athlete launched a massive awareness campaign to seek donors
The senior citizen from Malaga travels around the world making typical grandpa observations
Slogan on side of bus directly counters recent campaign by advocacy group Chrysallis
Network of pages and specialist sites are attracting countless viewers in Spanish-speaking world
Footage shows seemingly out of shape officer failing to catch escaped psychiatric patient
San Fernando de Cádiz adopts initiative taken in Vienna two years ago and copied by other cities
Humorous video campaign asks Spaniards for assistance in prevention of deadly disease
Photo of provocative nurse’s outfit for four to six year olds shared on Facebook 7,000 times in one day
Changing the names of films such as ‘La La Land’ is sometimes necessary
Twitter user alerted advertisers to an article titled ‘Why are feminists uglier than regular women?’
Nude cartoons went up in parts of northern Spain to raise awareness about transgender children
Tweet about 60-year-old’s delight at Diego Luna’s starring role in ‘Rogue One’ goes viral
The heavy mist in the Spanish capital caused airport delays and rerouted flights
Celebrity UK chef proves unrepentant over decision to include sausage in his version of recipe
First incident, dating from May, involved a man hit with a plank while speaking Spanish in the street
But his use of chorizo is not the first example of a foreign chef getting creative with Spanish food
HazteOir gathered 21,000 signatures to protest department store “advocating same-sex marriage”
“We had to do something to explain to people why the war has to end”
German and French are already gaining currency, despite English's traditional role as the language of business.
Satirical meme turns solidarity banner on Spanish capital's City Hall for Syrians fleeing war into internet hit
The Colborne Bag Company crowdfunds an update aimed at a younger, North American market
A study reveals which brand of lager is more likely to be in your fridge, depending on where you live
Monday night saw the usual heavenly glow accompanied by a complete rainbow
Madrid woman is fined for carrying a bag showing a cat’s face and a slogan that police view as a stand-in for a popular insult
Icon-Speak lets travelers point at symbols to make themselves understood