What epidemiologists have learned about the coronavirus 18 months into the pandemic
More than 600 public health specialists met this week in Spain to discuss everything we now know about Covid-19. Here are their main findings
More than 600 public health specialists met this week in Spain to discuss everything we now know about Covid-19. Here are their main findings
With doses arriving faster than they can be administered, and four in five residents with at least one shot, the regions are closing down mass-vaccination sites and focusing on strategies to target those aged 20-40
There are no longer any nighttime curfews in the country and only two regions continue to limit social gatherings. The use of face masks when indoors and the closure of nightlife venues will be the last measures to be lifted
The cumulative incidence of the virus over 14 days has fallen below 150 points for the first time since July 1
As students go back to school and staff to their offices, the coming weeks will be key for either relaxing coronavirus measures or maintaining them to combat new spikes
Meanwhile, the 14-day incidence of new infections continues to fall, and nearly 73% of the population is now fully vaccinated. Among youngsters aged 12 to 19, 45.4% have the full protection offered by the vaccines
The percentage of 12- to 19-year-olds with protection now exceeds the figure for the 20-29 and 30-39 groups. The Health Ministry is launching a campaign to encourage vaccination among these segments
This summer has seen nearly 4,000 victims pass away after a confirmed coronavirus infection, with an average age of 80. The fatality rate, however, is seven times lower than that seen during previous surges
The majority of the country’s territories are keeping bars and nightclubs closed. Experts say that the enclosed, poorly ventilated nature of these venues make them the perfect breeding ground for the coronavirus
Meanwhile, the Health Ministry and the regions have given the go-ahead for soccer stadiums to increase their capacity to 60%
Associations are calling for a booster dose in September, but experts say it is only needed for people with compromised immune systems
Nine in 10 people aged 40 and over are completely immunized, and most regions have started to focus on inoculating the 12-and-over population
Pressure in intensive care units, however, continues to rise, with 20.8% of beds occupied by Covid-19 patients
Regional authorities are going ahead with protocol approved in May – which includes returning classes to pre-pandemic sizes – but some experts are worried more is needed to prevent transmission
Five regions are mulling the measure after contagions in care centers jumped eightfold in two weeks
Experts warn that due to new variants, 90% of the population needs to be fully vaccinated to achieve herd immunity – a figure that cannot be reached with immunizing the under-20s
A larger shipment of Covid-19 vaccines will bring the country closer to fully vaccinating 70% of the population in August, but the pace of the rollout may slow due to summer vacations
Experts believe that future upticks in the epidemiological curve will be less severe, unless the virus mutates and is able to resist Covid-19 vaccines
In parts of Galicia, bars and restaurants require showing proof of being infection-free, but a similar move in the Canary Islands has been provisionally suspended by the courts
But hospitals continue to face mounting pressure and the number of weekly Covid-19 deaths has nearly tripled in the past week
Nearly 26 million individuals are completely immunized against Covid-19, putting the country ahead of the UK, Germany, the US and France
The rapid spread among young people as well as the relaxation of restrictions are behind the rapid spread of the virus in the country, although the trend is being seen across the rest of the continent
With the incidence among 20- to 29-year-olds as high as 911 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, experts argue that efforts should be made to cut infections among this age group, with measures focusing on nightlife, education and tracing
Official coronavirus cases for the year so far already outnumber those that were registered during the whole of 2020
Spain has the third-highest incidence rate in the European Union, but has the lowest reported mortality figure per 100,000 of the largest states thanks to its Covid-19 vaccination drive
The 14-day cumulative number of contagions in the 20-29 age group has risen 74 points in one day. Hospitalizations continue to fall, but experts warn this trend could soon be reversed
Over 1,000 people in eight regions have tested positive after traveling to Mallorca on student trips. More than 200 youths have been quarantined on the island, leading to claims of ‘kidnapping’