The bacteria have also been located on the production line used to make La Mechá foods, thought to be the origin of the current outbreak of listeriosis, the worst Spain has ever seen
One woman has died so far from the bacterial infection, with 150 more confirmed cases and 529 pending confirmation. The source was meat from a firm in the southern province
The country ranks third in the EU for reported cases of listeriosis, which is caused by a common bacteria that withstands freezing temperatures and oxygen starvation
The Madrid Medical Association has barred Isabel Bellostas from practicing for 364 days after she promoted this theory, which has been repeatedly disproved by scientific studies
Manuel Vilar Herrero recounts the assaults he suffered as a child at the hands of a priest who was “worshiped” by his mother and father. The following testimony is one of several making up an EL PAÍS series exposing decades of offenses by the clergy
Following reports of UK and Irish citizens dying after being prescribed Nolotil in Spain, agency says visitors should not take it as they cannot be monitored for adverse effects
Daniel Osàcar, ex-moneyman for premier Mas’s party, already facing trial over earlier case
Judge denies bail to detained current treasurer Andreu Viloca