No Mickey Mouse gifts for minister
Gürtel ring allegedly paid for health chief Mato’s Eurodisney trip and other jaunts
Gürtel ring allegedly paid for health chief Mato’s Eurodisney trip and other jaunts
Nationalists vow to press ahead on unilateral path toward self-determination vote
Former Popular Alliance (AP) member, Ángel Sanchís, will have to appear before Judge Ruz
Popular Party baron Carlos Fabra accused of defrauding around 1.5 million euros
Socialist spokeswoman describes Montoro’s remarks as unacceptable
Investigators believe kickbacks-for-contracts mastermind evaded €18 million in tax
Former PP treasurer repatriated 10 million euros from Swiss account last year
Decision follows similar move in Catalonia
Five regions account for the lion's share of corruption investigations
Professionals and the public alike are using innovative methods to defy savage austerity measures
Opposition claims Castilla-La Mancha premier earned 20 times the minimum salary
Constitutional Court lifts bar in region on basis of risk of infectious diseases Co-payment system will stay in place for prescription medicines
Budgets for 2013 include desperate efforts to contain spending even further
Five regions have requested about 15.6 billion euros out of the total available in the pot of 18 billion
'Negative silence' response leaves disclosure up to individual public bodies
CGPJ members spent over 800,000 euros on trips last year
Castellón High Court is pressuring for dismissal after eight years of legal delays, magistrate claims
Party's 2008 election accountant joins long list of Valencia conservatives under judicial scrutiny
Draft puts limits on data whose release would cause economic harm Oversight agency chief would be nominated by Finance Ministry
Royal son-in-law welcomes opportunity to "defend his honor" Businessman tells judge of Nóos request for 13 false bills
Money mainly due to go to Nicaragua was allegedly siphoned off PP regional premier fires two officials among those detained
State Agency for Air Security has found that main strip is too narrow for planes to turn around Regional officials have kept problem under wraps since April 2011
Castellón Popular Party chief facing charges of fraud, bribery and influence peddling