Would the Latvian model fit Spain?
The EU says Madrid could learn from the adjustment program imposed on the tiny Baltic state Economists are skeptical about the benefits of austerity
The EU says Madrid could learn from the adjustment program imposed on the tiny Baltic state Economists are skeptical about the benefits of austerity
European Commission may consider move next year Rajoy government announced sudden change of policy
Brussels warns Madrid that controls at colony border must be “proportionate”
Spanish minister hails deal struck on who should shoulder the cost of future bank bailouts
Brussels' penchant for ruling on the shape of fruit has given Euroskeptics big drums to bang
Measures to stem tide of house losses opposed by Popular Party
Strasbourg to back calls to cancel debt of struggling borrowers
In return, European Commission demands timely implementation of structural reforms Portugal given until 2015 to meet the EU's three-percent ceiling
Commission says reform agenda incomplete Rajoy promises more economic changes but asks Europe for stronger support in exchange for austerity
De Guindos says inaction will create “undesirable situation” for whole of EU
De Guindos says government rejects tax on bank deposits of under 100,000 euros
Luxembourg tribunal says that national legislation breaches consumer protection directive
Strasbourg gives green light to end practice of throwing unwanted catch back into the ocean
Spanish telecoms giant to appeal 66.9-million euro penalty
Brussels confirms funds of 37 billion euros for four nationalized lenders NCG and Catalunya Banc to be sold or wound up within five years
“They want to destabilize me,” claims regional premier
Troika approves government’s efforts to restructure the banking sector
Date falls in Catalan election campaign and coincides with pan-European labor protest against austerity policies
Commission Vice President Joaquín Almunia warns of uncertainty impact on markets as prime minister plays waiting game
EU may wait until end of November for bank bailout
Government bids to liberalize the sector Not everyone believes market forces will produce the right changes
EU divided over whether Spanish government or just banks should receive funds
Spain to continue with Badajoz line despite Portugal abandoning Madrid-Lisbon connection Government has so far spent only nine percent of budget for project
Banks still have stockpiles of unsold properties, say experts
Protestors carried placards calling for opposition to the “Guantánamo work system”