Family of immigrant who died with undiagnosed AIDS fights for justice
Relatives of Congolese woman claim medical negligence at internment center
Relatives of Congolese woman claim medical negligence at internment center
Judgment anticipates change from catering to individual demands to making whole classes study in Spanish
Putting pressure on politicians is legitimate. But without violence, or taunting on their doorsteps
Fernández de Kirchner's measures include direct election of judges and new appeals courts
US embassy concerned by cited plot to kill successor
Hopes for Chinese expansion spark latest advances
Alberto Núñez Feijóo elaborates further on his ties to drug trafficker Marcial Dorado
Country’s main cities see hundreds of thousands take to the streets
Global lawmakers ask race officials to ensure a clean ballot count on Sunday
European Court of Justice reached similar decision last November
Commission says reform agenda incomplete Rajoy promises more economic changes but asks Europe for stronger support in exchange for austerity
The Club de Campo Villa in Madrid is funded with public money but caters to the elite Politicians, royals and hangers-on pay a tiny fee to use its lavish installations
Massive social unrest is leading to protest marches in the country
The crisis has relegated the Foreign Ministry to a back seat in favor of Economy and Finance, whose decisions are now the ones that count internationally
"Don't insist that I do it; I am not a member of this Senate," Rajoy tells nationalist parties