Ikea debuts new form of sales point in Pamplona
Furniture giant says Navarre pick-up center is the first of its kind in the world
Furniture giant says Navarre pick-up center is the first of its kind in the world
Positive performance by the parent company of Zara boosts the Spanish stock market
Spain’s wealthiest man gets richer after shares in fashion giant Inditex trade up on Monday
There were more than 61.7 million international visits from January to November
Superstores, fashion brands and carmakers promise deep discounts in weekend sales
Country’s 100 biggest fortunes add up to equivalent of 15.6 percent of GDP
Company sells brand items at single fixed price, and plans to open 10 stores in a year
Spanish retailer apologizes but argues that shirt with yellow star was inspired by Western movies
The property company of the Spanish clothing magnate earned €93.3 million last year
Around 40% of new entrepreneurs benefiting from discount introduced last year are under 30
Tougher anti-smoking laws, the crisis, contraband and cheaper alternatives have all hit the big firms
Web comments have a huge influence over major chains – and give smaller players a helping hand
But figures for first half of 2014 reveal fall of 5.2% compared to same period a year earlier
Drinks firm will appeal to the Supreme Court and does not plan to re-hire bottling plant employees
Mexican president outlines reforms he has introduced at Madrid event organized by EL PAÍS
Spanish branch of US web retailer opens clothing store to compete with Inditex and El Corte Inglés
Company was viewed as a business survivor during the toughest years of the crisis
Iberian Partners bottling company insists it will not change its mind on closure of four plants
Output rose by 9.3 percent last year to 2.16 million units
Move comes as a result of merger between seven independent companies
Number of visitors in first 11 months was 57.6 million, more than in the whole of 2012 But only beach-holiday segment prospering, with rural tourism still feeling effects of weak demand
CCOO and UGT argue that workers’ purchasing power has not stopped falling since 2007
Iberian Partners, the biggest bottler in Spain, will close plants and reduce its workforce under a new deal between family-owned businesses
Restated accounts unveil Spanish seafood processor’s losses
Mercadona supermarket chain owner Juan Roig is known for the austerity of his habits and a rigorous treatment of staff
Risk premium down close to 230 basis points as markets confidence in Spain returns
Fernández de Sousa says claim is "error of interpretation"