With over 100 coronavirus outbreaks, more Spanish regions make face masks mandatory
Regional authorities are taking charge of controlling surges while the central government rules out a new state of alarm
Regional authorities are taking charge of controlling surges while the central government rules out a new state of alarm
The polls may have been regional, but they will have wide-reaching consequences on the national arena for groups such as the PSOE, the Popular Party and Unidas Podemos
Painting murals on streets and digging graves in beaches are acts of courage against the powers that control public spaces
Prosecutors continue to probe allegations of money laundering involving a foundation linked to Juan Carlos I, who abdicated the throne in 2014
A judicial ruling rejected the regional authorities' attempts to order citizens in the Lleida area to stay at home, given the fast-rising number of new infections in several municipalities
EL PAÍS travels to two vacation destinations to see how locals feel about the arrival of visitors for the summer season as the risk of Covid-19 persists
The Popular Party’s Galician candidate secured his fourth absolute majority on Sunday, while the ‘lehendakari’ will be able to govern with the support of the Socialists
El Roto cartoon, July 13, 2020