Santos announces re-election bid to conclude peace process
The Colombian president urges all parties to settle disputes that have flared up around FARC negotiations
The Colombian president urges all parties to settle disputes that have flared up around FARC negotiations
Cinesa and Yelmo Cineplex are offering reduced weekday tickets at 3.50 euros
In just a few years, actress Inma Cuesta has become a talisman for Spanish cinema
Electoral changes in Castilla-La Mancha would render the system less representative and plural
The Hunger Games trilogy continues with Catching Fire Robert De Niro, Michael Douglas, Morgan Freeman and Kevin Kline unite in Last Vegas
Sánchez Gordillo found guilty of trespass and civil disobedience
The Venezuelan president announces plans to use new decree powers to approve the first two laws this Thursday
PM says Popular party has “made mistakes” in handling of Bárcenas corruption affair Conservative leader defends reforms and says education minister “has complied with electoral program”
PM rules out more major fiscal adjustments
Five post-Franco artists in search of a strategy
An inspector handling the audit of the giant cement maker was sacked on the spot last week The firing prompted the resignation of her boss
Juan Carlos may be able to attend annual military reception on January 6
Semen found on youngster’s clothing was traced to a suspected rapist in Madrid
An exhibition in Madrid is showing the work of photographer Mary Ellen Mark Federico Fellini, Marlon Brando and Jack Nicholson are among her subjects
Annual appreciation in times of bonanza could be raised to 0.5 percent plus inflation
I am surprised at how we combine a habitual disgruntled attitude to our country, and unbearable homesickness when we're somewhere else
Government is pinning its hopes for re-election on tax reform