More in the brain and less in the liver: How microplastics accumulate in the body
A study has detected up to 30 times more of these elements in brain samples than in those from other organs such as the liver or kidneys
A study has detected up to 30 times more of these elements in brain samples than in those from other organs such as the liver or kidneys
A new study reveals that close social contacts, such as friends, influence the composition of the microbiota — the community of microorganisms living inside the body that plays a crucial role in maintaining good health
The laboratory of the latest Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry David Baker, headed by researcher Susana Vázquez, talks about ‘democratizing’ the discovery of therapies
An ingenious large-scale experiment in Barcelona has led to the creation of a catalog detailing the effects of half a million DNA mutations
For the first time, a new study has observed the complex spacing effect in modified kidney cells
New study links more spherical heart shapes to higher likelihood of atrial fibrillation and identifies 14 new genes associated with heart conditions
A group of experts claims that a geological event has confused the age of the satellite, which could be up to 180 million years older than previously thought
A new study explores how the domesticated animals are able to rapidly associate words with pictures, but experts warn that this is not the same as linguistic understanding
This newspaper unveiled that Saudi universities were paying up to €70,000 a year to prestigious researchers to artificially pump up Arab institutions in international academic rankings
A team of Spanish scientists has discovered the mechanism that could explain a high percentage of autism spectrum disorders
It is expected to take place in August and will further accelerate the growing reduction of the sea ice, according to a study that does not rule out a stay if emissions are reduced
The publication of 40 new studies marks a significant step forward in the creation of an atlas of the body, a critical tool that aims to guide diagnoses and tailor treatments
Research in mice describes a molecular mechanism in fatty tissue that predisposes people to regain weight. This finding could help explain the ‘yo-yo effect’
A new study reconstructs the skull and brain of ‘Navaornis hestiae,’ a species positioned at the crossroads of the evolutionary transition from ancient, dinosaur-like birds to modern avian species
Three-dimensional cell-by-cell maps of pancreatic, breast, colon or ovarian cancer open new understanding of the origin and evolution of the disease
The publisher’s decision to withdraw the articles by Juan Manuel Corchado is the biggest scandal to hit Spanish scientists
An analysis of 1,000 genetically diverse mice on different types of calorie-restricted diets and intermittent fasting shows that the potential benefits of these strategies are more complex than previously thought
This default mode is activated during divergent thinking, and researchers believe it plays a key role in our flashes of genius
Two new studies shed light on the mystery of how lightning is triggered in thunderstorms
Controlled infection of cows in a high-security Kansas lab sheds light on the H5N1 transmission route, while experts call for ‘mass surveillance’ to stop an outbreak in Europe
A study published in the journal ‘Nature’ warns that errors, even in simple matters, will be difficult to completely eliminate in the future
A new study has found that species surviving under some of the most extreme conditions on the planet are ‘functionally hyperdiverse’
Knowing the precise shape of molecules opens the door to designing drugs for dopamine imbalances with fewer side effects
The strategy — the injection of a simple antibody — has already begun to be tested in humans in an attempt to cure age-related illnesses
A new study has found a possible explanation for why nursing mothers maintain robust bone mass despite calcium loss. The discovery, in the laboratory, opens the door to treatments against osteoporosis
In the middle of the Cold War, a French expedition was able to access the Soviet Vostok base in Antarctica, where the temperature falls to -90ºC, to confirm the link between CO2 and global warming
The discovery of a cave hunting scene indicates that rock art dates back even earlier than previously thought