Biden announces increase in US military deployment in Europe
Washington will boost its capabilities in Spain, Germany, Italy, Romania, Poland, the UK and the Baltic states, said the president at the NATO summit in Madrid
Washington will boost its capabilities in Spain, Germany, Italy, Romania, Poland, the UK and the Baltic states, said the president at the NATO summit in Madrid
Polls suggest the fragmentation seen at the national vote will extend to the local and regional level, giving added clout to small parties such as far-right group Vox
Two private hospitals are due to open centers in Madrid, where children and patients with rare tumors will especially benefit from a treatment with fewer side effects than X-rays
Pedro Sánchez and Theresa May discussed a special protocol and bilateral memorandums involving the British Overseas Territory
Located within the spectacular karst landscape of Sorbas, in Spain's southern Almería province, the deserted village of El Marchalico Viñicas is as much of a curiosity as its name suggests
Socialists no longer opposed to application of obscure constitutional provision that could effectively curtail self-government in Catalonia
Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias warns acting PM to be “prudent” because he represents the past
As expected, the Popular Party candidate lost the first round of the investiture vote
World-famous Running of the Bulls gets started in Pamplona with some unusual and unexpected guests
Who’s who, what are they promising, how are they faring and why you should care
Spats over immigration and regional reform dominate State of Nation debate
Spanish fans of ‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’ are racing to restore iconic cemetery The movie's 50th anniversary celebrations, due to be held next year, are approaching
Catalan avant-garde chef Ferran Adrià, of 'El Bulli', publishes his theory of cooking
Pioneering scheme in Altea, Alicante encourages agricultural self-sufficiency
Geneticist offers a controversial theory regarding the influence of the Basques
Aguirre wins in Madrid but falls short of a majority Former anti-eviction activist Ada Colau (Guanyem) wins in Barcelona After heavy losses, Rosa Díez (UPyD) says she will not run again for leadership of the party (Refresh this page to see the latest posts)
Tour firm, town hall and fishermen are teaming up to preserve traditional techniques in Altea
Felipe VI defies security advice by traveling in an open car from Congress ceremony
Reign will be “a renewed monarchy for new times,” he says after swearing oath in Congress
PM Mariano Rajoy makes surprise announcement that Spanish monarch will step down, paving way for Prince Felipe to take over as head of state
The town of Guadix in Granada is proud to be Europe’s cave-dwelling capital