Spanish prosecutors prepare to shelve investigations into emeritus king Juan Carlos I
This decision will mean no lawsuits will be filed against the monarch, who has been living in Abu Dhabi since August 2020
This decision will mean no lawsuits will be filed against the monarch, who has been living in Abu Dhabi since August 2020
Luis Bárcenas has sent prosecutors a letter promising to cooperate and naming senior party officials who allegedly accepted regular payments of undeclared money
Juan Carlos I allegedly used at least €500,000 in funds provided by a friend and failed to pay tax on that amount, which could constitute a crime
Justice ministry wants to reduce the penalty for sedition to adapt the crime to “current reality"
Illegally spying on former Popular Party treasurer Luis Bárcenas was just one of the jobs carried out without judicial oversight by a group of officers who also disseminated false evidence against Catalan separatists and the leftist party Podemos. EL PAÍS has reconstructed events based on testimony from their targets
EL PAÍS used regional records and reports from three different agencies to arrive at a figure that is much higher than the official one of 28,432
The coronavirus crisis has turned an anodyne administrative procedure into a high-pressure job as regional governments scramble to secure medical supplies on the international market
Former Prime Minister Adolfo Suárez built a broad consensus in just a few years It enabled sweeping legal, political, social and economic reforms