Clarín wins two legal battles to keep Fernández de Kirchner at bay
President wants court ruling to force media group to divest holdings
President wants court ruling to force media group to divest holdings
Millions of workers stay away from jobs during nationwide stoppage
Port authorities' attempt to board impounded vessel met by show of arms
Argentina files UN complaint against Ghana for seizing frigate on US court order
Conglomerate ordered to divest holdings or face public auctions
Madrid diplomats work quietly to urge Argentina's leader to come to Cádiz
Argentinean junta leaders get jail sentences for dirty war kidnappings
Carlos Fuentes, who had just completed his latest novel, dies in Mexico City
Argentinean President Fernández de Kirchner is enjoying a new wave of popularity following the expropriation of Repsol's stake in YPF and despite her refusal to consult with the Cabinet
Economic guru Alex Kicillof is said to have been the mastermind behind the government's decision to expropriate YPF from Repsol
President Kirchner declares that country’s hydrocarbon industry is a sector of “public interest” YPF’s shares fall 18 percent on New York stock exchange after news breaks
Stroessner family's influence keeping victims from collecting compensation
President Fernández de Kirchner promises to take measures "to guarantee oil supplies"