Obama sides with homosexuals
The president of the United States finally comes out in favor of gay marriage
The president of the United States finally comes out in favor of gay marriage
EC expects recession to extend into next year
Royals plan to visit Gibraltar as part of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee year celebrations.
More than 80 cities across Spain will join in the protests
Measures include the creation of a new type of tax fraud crime aimed at mafias Maximum prison sentences will be raised from two years to six Statute of limitations on such offenses also to be raised
Lenders will need coverage of up to 52 percent of value of loans to real estate developers Toxic assets to be removed from balance sheets and folded into separate companies Public funds will be available for institutions unable to meet new requirements
Sean Penn gets dressed up like Robert Smith in This Must be the Place, while Tim Burton returns with Dark Shadows, starring Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter
European Commission has decided that 265 million euros of subsidies were illegal Regional premier Alberto Fabra says he will appeal against the decision
With film financing in crisis, moviemakers are resorting to guerrilla tactics
Authorities vow to stop demonstrators from retaking Sol on first anniversary
Oil company's profit up 12.4 percent at start of year Repsol's net debt, excluding YPF and Gas Natural Fenosa, stood at 4.17 billion euros
Commissioner in Extremadura was running opthalmology practice across the border Francisco Javier Fernández Perianes admits "putting his foot in it"
Many leaders at Cartagena said that our nation would be present at the next summit. But what Cuba are they talking about?
Financial problems will take their toll on cultural centers such as Madrid's Casa Encendida
Spain's biggest landowner does not currently pay any real estate tax
But is the Colombian goal scorer too tempting a cash cow for Atlético Madrid?
Antón Reixa, elected president of the royalty collection society, wants to bury the past
Health Minister informs illegal immigrants they will have to rely on NGOs for medical aid
Two deaths and dozens of injuries during weekend campaign stumps Overseas vote from Spain and the United States could play a crucial role
While Spain seeks "fair" deal in Bolivia for REE, Argentina courts US oil firms
Argentinean President Fernández de Kirchner is enjoying a new wave of popularity following the expropriation of Repsol's stake in YPF and despite her refusal to consult with the Cabinet