Why Do Dictators like to Appear Democratic?
Democracy contributes the most precious ingredient for tyrants: legitimacy
Democracy contributes the most precious ingredient for tyrants: legitimacy
He is simply the useful idiot, the puppet of those who really rule Venezuela
Leadership in the fight against global warming is moving from the White House to Europe and China
Trump has put an end to the idea that corruption and nepotism at the highest levels of government can only flourish in banana republics
International hegemony of the Western powers, namely the US and Europe, could be coming to an end
The New World Order will be defined by those who fill the power gaps left by the United States
Many of the more than 40,000 former troops are now living on the margins of society
The global financial crisis and the information technology revolution have created a perfect storm. Governments must act
The Spanish government and public media outlets did not react in time in the face of a network of fake news stories and social media posts
Massive demonstration in Barcelona on Saturday night was headed up by family members of jailed politicians and association heads
Ros cartoon, November 13, 2017
El Roto cartoon, November 13, 2017
The Catalan rider – who has never waved a regional flag in public – has opted to use his fan club standard since 2014
Spanish foreign minister sees evidence of “attempt to affect natural democratic course of events in Catalonia”
The embassy in Australia has begun a recruitment drive to fill teaching positions