“We counted to three and ran,” say Barcelona school attack students
Pupils recount the panic as a classmate attacked them with a crossbow and knife
Pupils recount the panic as a classmate attacked them with a crossbow and knife
Close to 90 of the 116 murders of land defenders that took place in 2014 occurred in region
“El Chuyín” was one of the most-wanted murderers in the Western Hemisphere
Suspect wounded four other people before being detained by police As a minor, the 13-year-old attacker cannot be charged with murder under Spanish law
Regional officials and businessmen may have received €110 million, say auditors
Spanish police bust gang that conned thousands of cellphone users using SMS messages
Ex-politician facing charges of money laundering, tax fraud and asset stripping
Neighbors report having heard strange noises after woman disappeared They could have come from an industrial meat grinder located in the suspect’s garage
A pilot program providing apartments to those on the streets is proving a success