
Police widen search to five missing women in Majadahonda case

Neighbors report having heard strange noises after woman disappeared They could have come from an industrial meat grinder located in the suspect’s garage

F. Javier Barroso
The garage in which the meat grinder was found.
The garage in which the meat grinder was found.f. j. b.

When residents of the Madrid suburb of Majadahonda heard strange noises coming from the house of their neighbor in the early hours of the morning, they thought nothing of it. But since the arrest of the 32-year-old Spaniard in connection with the disappearance of his tenant, a 55-year-old woman from Argentina, they have been wondering if they may have heard something sinister.

After searching the property of the suspect, the authorities have made a number of concerning discoveries, in particular an industrial meat grinder in the garage. Sources close to the investigation report having found a tooth inside the machine. Officially, however, the Civil Guard has not made a statement, and the judicial proceedings are sealed.

The owner of the house was arrested last week after the brother of the missing woman, who has been identified as Adriana G., flew to Madrid from Argentina as he was suspicious something may have happened to her.

Sources close to the investigation report having found a tooth inside the industrial grinding machine

The suspect was detained after detectives found a number of contradictions and holes in his story.

Nearby residents say they are shocked by the events. They report that the suspect was demanding when it came to renting out the room in his house, located in Sacedilla street. They were forbidden from pulling up the blinds, and were not allowed to touch certain things in the property, such as a painting belonging to his aunt.

The police are so far investigating the possible whereabouts of five people: the Argentinean woman, the suspect’s aunt (who is the owner of the house) and three former tenants, whose rental contracts have all been located in the property. The latter three all have a similar profile: single women from abroad. The man’s aunt, meanwhile, is reported by neighbors to have simply disappeared. The suspect claims to have put her in a home, but was unable to tell the authorities which one.

The neighbors heard the noises coming from the house on Wednesday April 8. Tuesday was the last day that Adriana G. had been seen in the area. Some of the nearby residents report that the suspect rarely visited the property, and that he had soundproofed the garage. “He was very strange and he didn’t speak to hardly anyone,” his neighbors told EL PAÍS.

The suspect is thought to have stuck the cellphone of Adriana G. in the luggage of a passenger on the AVE high-speed train to Barcelona

According to the Cadena SER radio network, the suspect is thought to have stuck the cellphone of Adriana G. into the luggage of a passenger on the AVE high-speed train to Barcelona, in an attempt to throw investigators off the scent.

Sources from the investigation also report that they have a video in which the suspect is seen dropping off a letter at the hamburger restaurant where the Argentinean woman worked. The document stated that she was leaving her job and would not be coming back, as she was moving to Barcelona. The video was recorded after the woman disappeared.

The authorities are carrying out a search in the trash dump in the southern town of Pinto, which is where waste from the neighborhood is taken. They are also awaiting DNA test results from blood stains found in the garage of the property. These will be compared with samples taken from the Argentinean woman’s brother, who is still in Madrid.

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