Clay king Nadal seeks record ninth Monte-Carlo crown
Spaniard is two titles short of Tomas Muster’s 40 wins as he seeks to overhaul Guillermo Vilas
Spaniard is two titles short of Tomas Muster’s 40 wins as he seeks to overhaul Guillermo Vilas
The former governor has defeated some of Chávez’s strongest candidates in past
Not so long ago, the interim president was a hate figure among Chávez supporters
Venezuela’s voters have said “yes” to Chavism after Chávez, but with little conviction
Conversations between impatient police chief and duty officer initially ruled out stampede Recordings reveal attribution of reports of cardiac arrests to ingestion of alcohol and drugs
Opposition claims there were more than 3,200 voting violations across the country Chávez’s successor reminds supporters that opponents would not accept his win
Rajoy becomes first European leader to meet with Argentinean pontiff Madrid Archbishop Rouco lashes out at government for stalling on law guaranteeing right to life
Former IT expert at HSBC collaborated with authorities without asking for compensation Spanish prosecutor against his extradition to Switzerland
Interim President Nicolás Maduro awarded narrow victory, but rival Capriles claims there were widespread irregularities
Catalonia vows to keep regional tongue as dominant teaching language Region's government dismisses court ruling that would shift balance in favor of Castilian
The president of the Spanish Photovoltaic Union, Jorge Barredo, is concerned about the sector He feels a royal decree has hurt the industry as well as Spain's image abroad
A breakthrough by Barcelona researchers has given sufferers hope They want to see the disputed syndrome accepted as a disease in its own right
Law only offers exemption to physicians who would be expected to perform termination procedures
An exemplary woman is going to miss her son's graduation because she is Paraguayan
Turbot factory failures caused losses worth 70 million Company never published 2012 financial results