Jools Sweeney, 14, took his own life in 2022. Since then, his family has been trying to find out what influence his online activity may have had on his decision
As a result of the controversy, the Puerto Rican removed from his Instagram a video in which he appeared with the Republican candidate at a rally in Las Vegas
In the fight to raise awareness about this disorder, it has become normal to talk about it, but experts warn that, in practice, the problem can end up being trivialized
He is a sociologist and a magician, and spends his life warning about the risks of a screen addiction that ‘makes us unhappy.’ At home, he leads by example: his mobile phone is an old Nokia without internet access
The arrest of Telegram’s CEO in France and the closure of X in Brazil are two of the latest signs that times are changing, with networks beginning to be held more accountable
Moderate nudity is in vogue on the social media platform. Some users seek to show off a sculpted physique, others to revindicate a non-normative silhouette. All are reaping passionate response and many, many likes
Washington D.C. monopoly ruling marks a shift towards stricter regulation of technology giants in the United States and the European Union over their aggressive practices across markets
The 25-year-old artist, whose work appears in the 2012 film ‘Moonrise Kingdom,’ sells paintings to famous clients, such as producer David Geffen, or Jan Koum, the founder of WhatsApp. Liftin is also in favor of images created with the help of artificial intelligence
A study concludes that they are carried out mostly by older men, that more bots participate than real users, and the results are more biased before than after elections
According to the prestigious institution, the works of established artists such as Egon Schiele and Christian Schad have been blocked by Instagram and Facebook
These influencers did not have to learn dance moves or travel the world in order to build up a hefty following. For them, knowing their way around a spreadsheet has proven to be a great recipe for success on social media
It’s a crime whose rates are on the rise around the world, including in Spain, which registered 4,460 reports last year alone. Director Patricia Franquesa, who fell victim to the phenomenon, is turning her experience into a documentary
The largest study ever carried out on social media deactivation has found that disconnecting lowers users political participation and also their propensity to believe misinformation
In the past, we examined people’s looks or subtle movements. But now, on Instagram or WhatsApp, we place value on the frequency of interactions, the use of emojis, or the speed of a response
A discipline that examines skin, eye and hair tones to prescribe the ideal wardrobe, color analysis is experiencing a boom thanks to new market opportunities emerging on digital platforms, particularly TikTok
The threat of misinformation and the spread of fake news is now common in all elections, at least since the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The danger has increased considerably with generative artificial intelligence
Boomers connected with their lost friends on Facebook. Millennials did it themselves through an Instagram filter. But one generation dominates the networks: Gen Z