An exhibition in Berlin debates what would have happened if German history had taken alternative paths and the allies had not unexpectedly captured the Remagen bridge intact, potentially extending World War II by months
There should be little doubt about the legitimacy of Ukraine’s response to Russia’s aggression, and Israel’s to the Hamas attacks. The problem lies in the limits
To celebrate Friedrich Schiller’s birthday, Germany’s Museum of Modern Literature honors the author of ‘Ode to Joy’ and acknowledges his impact on European history
In ‘Beyond,’ Walker chronicles the space race between the Soviet Union and the U.S. He masterfully reconstructs the epic flight of Yuri Gagarin, the first human to leave the Earth and point the way to the stars
The detainee printed and sold more than 300 titles on Adolf Hitler, Aryan ‘ethics,’ anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial from his family home in Buenos Aires
The author of ‘The Third Reich Trilogy’ says that believing that there’s no such thing as objective truth — only opinion — leads to the destruction of society
Works by the Viennese creator have attained astronomical prices at auction. But the true value is in the symbolism of his paintings, which were stolen from Jewish families by the Nazis
The scientist responsible for the Manhattan Project, which developed the atomic bomb, was one of the most unique figures of the 20th century due to his enigmatic and complex nature
A collector has donated a series of images showing the arrival of a convoy of prisoners that inaugurated transfers to the concentration camp in June 1940
Some 200 photographs depicting Nationalist officers with members of the German Luftwaffe, who were responsible for the bombing of Guernica, have been donated to the Spanish state
Founded in 1887 in the middle of the Paraguyan wilderness, this town of 6,000 inhabitants is today a reminder of the failure of an anti-Semitic racial experiment
Russia has canceled the annual reception for World War II veterans and the citizens’ march amid heightened tension in the Kremlin after an alleged drone attack
At the age of 27, with no previous trial experience, Ferencz became chief prosecutor in 1947 for a case in which 22 former Third Reich commanders were charged with genocide
Anti-Semitism and the Hitler regime’s obsession with the past of the Aryan peoples put the brakes on the study of the ancient Pharaonic civilization in Germany, despite what is shown in ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’
Four decades after the biggest fake news scandal in history, the full contents of the forged tomes, which paint the Führer as a sympathetic statesman ignorant of the Holocaust, have been made public