Why the closure of an Algerian gas pipeline is bad news for Spain
With winter around the corner and the price of energy skyrocketing, Madrid has sent a minister to Algiers to seek assurances that supply will be guaranteed
With winter around the corner and the price of energy skyrocketing, Madrid has sent a minister to Algiers to seek assurances that supply will be guaranteed
The energy sector says it will be ‘impossible to continue’ if their excess gains are cut as part of the raft of measures aimed at reducing the cost of electricity for consumers
PM Pedro Sánchez says plan includes lowering taxes on electricity and putting a cap on what consumers pay for gas
The government is seeking to encourage more efficient energy use with a tier-based model, featuring peak, low and average price periods depending on the time of the day
Spain’s Aena authority is set to reopen terminals in Madrid and Barcelona next month, when travel restrictions into the EU are gradually lifted
The facility manager, Aena, wants to merge Terminals 1, 2 and 3 and to expand Terminal 4 in order to raise potential passenger volume to 80 million
Sovereign wealth fund’s new mandate to ditch fossil fuel assets and spend on clean power opens up opportunities, says minister
Small businesses are having trouble implementing the new rules, which force all companies, regardless of size, to keep track of worker schedules
Aena will invest €250 million in renewable energy to save on its energy bills and cut carbon emissions
ICSID says Madrid must pay €128 million to the British-based Eiser Infrastructure Limited
Company says it has discovered approximately 1.2 billion barrels in Alaska’s North Slope
Spanish-led consortium that built expansion trusts it will reach a deal over cost overruns
Thanks to his meteoric rise, the disgraced former Banesto chief was once profiled for a career in politics
Seville-based energy giant could become Spain’s largest corporate bankruptcy case
Industry Ministry bases action on past subsidies it granted for the purchase of VW vehicles
Investment is expected to help Spain’s biggest retailer expand into foreign markets
Mariano Rajoy says he found out about Rodrigo Rato’s arrest through the media
Age was no obstacle for Botín, who remained on the frontline at Santander until his death
Utility’s earnings fell seven percent last year due to regulatory changes Company chairman: “We feel more British, Mexican and American than Spanish”
Price will be fixed on hourly basis for households with new meters Ministry calculates abandoning use of auctions will shave 3 percent off cost
Unesa says minister’s claim of “crude manipulation” is a sign of “contempt” for the sector
Utilities will be allowed to securitize 3.6-billion-euro tariff deficit
Mexican firm’s alliance up in the air as it moves toward accord with YPF
Mexican firm reportedly exploring alternative to current management
"There is always more that can be done," Rajoy's government is told at industry meeting in Jerez
China’s Sinopec currently negotiating to buy Repsol’s 30-percent stake in Gas Natural Two major corporate deals announced on Thursday alone
Book by former bank chief José Ángel Sánchez Asiaín National Prize for Spanish History