Three decades of hitting the high notes
Madrid’s Café Central jazz club is celebrating 30 years of legendary performances
Madrid’s Café Central jazz club is celebrating 30 years of legendary performances
Nuevas Generaciónes official had run up 700 euros in speeding fines since 2011
After a decade of restoration, the official re-opening of the Court of Lions is only a few days away. EL PAÍS revisits the heart of the most visited monument in Spain
Show examines the Valencia painter’s fascination with Moorish Spain
Last of the revolutionary’s unpublished writings finally come to light
Cartoonist Andrés Rábago was OPS before becoming El Roto
Subject of a retrospective in Madrid, the work of Gervasio Sánchez reveals a profound humanity
Cuban actress Limara Meneses was the muse for artist Javier Mariscal Animation feature directed by Fernando Trueba in line for an Oscar
Two major exhibitions to commemorate 80th anniversary of artist’s death.