Madrid town that built network of illegal tunnels faces one-million-euro fine
Navalcarnero claims cellars are 350 years old, but experts say they are no older than a decade
Navalcarnero claims cellars are 350 years old, but experts say they are no older than a decade
Having a secret account is a crime for a politician, says ex-regional premier Esperanza Aguirre
Regional health commissioner Javier Fernández-Lasquetty, the architect of the proposal, resigns Move comes after court rejects petition to lift a cautionary injunction against PP government
Regional tribunal passes appeals back to courts of origin
Investigation focuses on their ownership of a luxury penthouse on the Mediterranean González comes out in defense of the innocence of his spouse
After five years of negotiations, plans to build a massive casino complex in Madrid have been abandoned Political fallout puts the regional premier's future in doubt
The invasive species is proliferating in the Regional Park that runs alongside the Tagus valley
Gómez stages “act of rebellion” against privatization of public healthcare and carve-up of legal watchdog’s membership
Regional premier González again defies central government run by his own Popular Party
Experts confirm presence of a settled pack in Guadarrama National Park
Mayor of Quijorna claims she “did not notice” swastikas and Nationalist symbols
Doubts over whether smoking will be allowed in the casino complex have unleashed hostilities between PP officials in the Madrid and central governments
Sheldon Adelson's plan still facing major obstacle in shape of anti-tobacco legislation
Madrid needs 1.5 billion euros to complete its infrastructure for the Games After the failure of the city’s bid to host the 2020 event, there is no plan to complete the work
Madrid's new National Park ranks second in the country for biodiversity
Region says exotic invaders are threat to endemic flora and fauna
Regional government blames austerity and Socialists as cost of learning spikes
Popular Party regional government denies choice of El Álamo site is connected to Eurovegas project
Work on MP-203 has been paralyzed for six years due to administrative problems
Ruling party proposes first-past-the post representation with proportional top-up system
PP administration stipulates staff must be retained but concessionaires can fix contract conditions
French Real Madrid star faces a trial which coincides with France-Spain World Cup qualifier
Move follows Supreme Court ruling on 2010 two-day wildcat stoppage on subway system
Las Vegas Sands to fund up to 40 percent of the 6.75-billion-euro investment, with banks providing the rest
Health chief should have been sacked by now, says Madrid’s former premier
GreenCanal nine-hole facility and driving range is "not in public's general interest"
Judge has opened a probe into the ownership of penthouse González previously claimed to have been renting