Fox’s unending web of lies
Movies, series and books can shed some light on the scandal surrounding the ultra-conservative broadcaster
Movies, series and books can shed some light on the scandal surrounding the ultra-conservative broadcaster
In a book, the journalist Taina Tervonen recounts the endless search for those who disappeared during the conflict, through a forensic anthropologist and a researcher
‘1923’, ‘Alaska Daily’, ‘Three Pines’ and ‘The English’ are among many recent series to have addressed the past and present suffering of American Indians
A wall painting depicting a dead man alongside a bison and rhinoceros has intrigued researchers since it was discovered in 1940
An exhibition in Paris tells the story of a French archaeological mission in Central Asia, which located the easternmost Hellenic city, founded by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC
The author’s 1974 autobiography is a moving tale of love and self-discovery, all the more relevant today amid the alarmist debates on trans rights
‘The Oppermann Brothers’, Lion Feuchtwanger’s seminal book about the German Reich, has been republished in the US to great acclaim
The world’s leading literary agent speaks about Salman Rushdie, Stephen King, Donald Trump and the e-commerce giant
The British historian, known for his monumental biographies of the Nazi dictator, has written a new book about leaders who changed history
The Roman rulers used gladiator games to entertain the public – but these battles also served as political theater
History remembers the famed ‘philosopher-king’ as a wise and just ruler, but one of the most brutal and well-documented acts of imperial atrocity took place under his reign: the torture and persecution of the martyrs of Lyon, devoured by wild beasts in AD 177
They were spaces to share stories, jokes, and even a sponge attached to a stick that they used to clean themselves. “If you want to understand the culture, look at its bathrooms,” says the scholar Mary Beard
The memory of Nazi extermination is losing its last living witnesses. Authors such as Primo Levi, Liana Millu or Imre Kertész are already part of a culture that will no longer write itself in the first person
Putin is using the commemoration of the end of World War II on May 9 to justify the invasion of Ukraine as he replicates Stalin’s old obsessions
In a new book, the Cambridge scholar analyzes how laughter help us understand Roman society
Over the centuries all kinds of pretexts have been used to justify confrontation. While motives may be obscure, what is clear is that the consequences are impossible to control or foresee
Over 70 Spanish scholars have signed a manifesto underscoring the positive aspects of a period spanning nearly 1,000 years, including advances in law and politics
Seven historians analyze the ongoing impact of the May 2011 social protests against austerity and corruption, the most visible manifestation of which was the sit-ins at Madrid’s Puerta del Sol
New research has highlighted the similarities between the subspecies and ‘homo sapiens,’ questioning in the process what it means to be human
During the toughest months of the pandemic, Juan Altares suffered all the complications of what was then a completely unknown disease. This is a day-by-day account of how his family got through it
Far-right parties like Vox in Spain use doubtful historical facts to justify their vision of a modern-day Islamic invasion
Experts warn that Vox could shift the debate on key issues like immigration after the group won 24 seats in Congress
One of the most powerful symbols of Europe will overcome the fire, just as it has resisted other disasters throughout the centuries
The verdict increasing the sentence against Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic reopens the debate on the difficulties of proving the most serious crime in international law
The comprehensive event has received many anti-Semitic threats before its inauguration
Team from Cantabria Museum of Prehistory explores area close to Altamira complex
Why did Hitler allow British troops to return home after their defeat in France in May 1940?