Podemos makes ousting Popular Party its priority in brokering deals
The fragmented scenario after Sunday’s elections is forcing groups to seek agreements Socialists begin sounding out both Pablo Iglesias’ anti-austerity party and Ciudadanos
The fragmented scenario after Sunday’s elections is forcing groups to seek agreements Socialists begin sounding out both Pablo Iglesias’ anti-austerity party and Ciudadanos
Íñigo Errejón, the second-in-command at Podemos, believes “change is irreversible” in Spain
Fragmentation of vote will likely require negotiations between old and new parties
Leader Pablo Iglesias promises to help people and small businesses deal with their debt
Juan Carlos Monedero invokes desire to find his own voice again rather than be a “cog”
Political science professor Juan Carlos Monedero considering leaving active politics
PP is weakened while Podemos becomes third political force in Spain’s biggest region
New survey suggests a fragmented scenario that will require cross-party deals
Juan Carlos Monedero’s declaration of assets shows his firm is €412,000 in the black
Only two out of five original members of anti-corruption party will remain by next month
Monedero fails to provide evidence of projects he carried out for Latin American regimes
The balances made public by Juan Carlos Monedero total €205,769 Spanish daily ‘El Mundo’ had claimed he held €700,000 in his accounts
Juan Carlos Monedero insists that he has not committed fraud The sum covers back taxes and penalties levied on earnings from Latin America
Anti-austerity party admits it will be difficult to win next month’s regional race in Andalusia
As the Spanish anti-austerity party celebrates its first year, its leader talks to EL PAÍS
Party chief Pablo Iglesias tells Barcelona crowd sovereignty goes beyond secession issues
Podemos leader told he was “in luck” because Basque terrorists were released last week
New Spanish leftist party drops to second behind the Socialists in latest survey
New Spanish leftist party seeking to present itself as genuine “social-democratic” force
Leftist group hits back at accusations its number two failed to honor a research contract
Pablo Iglesias is working on “a battery of economic measures” to restart the economy
Latest voter intention poll shows newcomer would beat both PP and PSOE at elections
Government asks state lawyers to examine if new November 9 poll breaks any laws
New leftist party’s leader Pablo Iglesias says he will “step aside” if his ideas are voted down
Mariano Rajoy says decision to scrap original vote is “triumph for democracy and the law"
Representatives from new leftist party meet embattled journalist at Ecuadorian embassy in London
The rise of the group is coinciding with an increasing lack of confidence in Spain's political class