Trampling the holy path
Italian writer says Santiago pilgrimage route needs protection from mass tourism
Italian writer says Santiago pilgrimage route needs protection from mass tourism
Bishops also rally to Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón's overhaul of 2010 law
Spanish constructor had threatened to stop construction on Monday due to cost overruns Mediation of European Commission may see negotiation period extended
Spaniards tie up car and motorbike categories of epic rally
Measure must be approved by Constitutional Court and signed by president
Authorities believe he took part in "holy war" in Syria
Sánchez Gordillo found guilty of trespass and civil disobedience
Spaniard’s bridge cost 11.2 million euros to build after cost overruns
Protestors demand lawmakers reject government plan for 2014
99 Catalan municipalities already have similar law in place
Preliminary investigation is aimed at seeing if any crimes were committed as part of NSA espionage program in the country
Drivers at Suzuka and MotoGP stars remember Spaniard who fought for 33 years before death last Friday
Italy firm has no plans to offload operations in Brazil or Argentina
Team of scientists dates wall art at 39,000 years old
“It doesn’t seem right that four nations agree to a position without knowing where the other 23 stand"
Potentially uncomfortable encounters in the stairwell present "the lesser of two evils," says court
Casino company settles with US American after year-long criminal investigation
Exports were valued at 118.7 billion euros, up 8 percent from the same six-month period of 2012
José Antonio Griñán to hand over power as ERE investigation widens Regional leader will leave post on August 27 for “personal and family reasons”
Socialists concerned by timing of ERE judge’s decision
The former PM’s words come at a time when a leadership debate is brewing inside the party
Magistrate Silva ignored recusal request filed by lawyers for ex-Caja Madrid chairman
Commission warns of increased borrowing costs and “a drop in the value of real estate assets”
Groups with other interests have infiltrated protests, says Free Pass Movement Violence breaks out in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia and other cities
Public prosecutor files suit against Barcelona player and his father for not declaring image rights earnings from 2007 to 2009
Ex-savings bank chairman also faces probe into purchase of Florida bank
A Gesture for Peace decides to disband in the wake of an end to ETA violence