What if Spain’s state of alarm comes to an end on May 9?
If PM Pedro Sánchez does not secure congressional approval to extend the extraordinary measure on Wednesday, experts say confinement orders will no longer be legally binding
If PM Pedro Sánchez does not secure congressional approval to extend the extraordinary measure on Wednesday, experts say confinement orders will no longer be legally binding
Parks in the capital have still not been reopened despite the loosening of coronavirus confinement measures, making it difficult for people to maintain social distancing while taking exercise
Authorities express confidence that the country will be able to move to the next phase of the deescalation plan after fewer than 200 deaths were reported for the third straight day
Although this is normally a good time of the year for the Spanish labor market, registered unemployment grew by 282,891 after posting similar figures in March
“I am convinced that you can still win re-election. But in order to do so you must be willing to do whatever it takes”
As the coronavirus crisis eases, Madrid City Hall is planning on closing two emergency shelters, leaving many rough sleepers in an even more precarious situation
El Roto cartoon May 5, 2020
Education Ministry and regions are planning a mixed model of online and on-site teaching, but the sector is calling for more resources