Argentina's Supreme Court upholds controversial media law
The ruling is a victory for President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
The ruling is a victory for President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
Intelligence chief tells Congress documents were misinterpreted
“There is a shared analysis that something must be done,” says Catalan government spokesman
The legislative elections are pointing to the gradual decline of Kirchnerism
99 Catalan municipalities already have similar law in place
Abortion, gay marriage and legalization of drugs are taboo topics for revolutionary governments
Alfonso Basterra says he “will leave prison with head held high”
Liga top scorer could be called up for November friendly matches
Finance Minister Cristóbal Montoro defends the government’s handling of the economy
Preliminary investigation is aimed at seeing if any crimes were committed as part of NSA espionage program in the country
Hundreds of war exiles have reached the country after paying mafias for passage The government in Madrid has only granted three people full refugee status
Midfield general poised to join team after three-month injury absence
Book by former bank chief José Ángel Sánchez Asiaín National Prize for Spanish History
Vodafone España CEO António Coimbra talks about his plans to straighten out the company
The anniversary of the deaths of five young women at a massive party is looming, but the court investigation has made little progress
Friends and relatives await release of bodies as Castilla y León region calls three days of mourning
The US administration may have been the victim of over-enthusiasm for new electronic espionage capabilities
Regional premier González again defies central government run by his own Popular Party
Country rated 142nd out of 189 for setting up a company, behind Uzbekistan, Zambia and South Sudan