How the physic laws of the San Fermín crowds could prevent stampedes
Crowds reach a critical point where individual movement is overtaken by a collective dynamic, causing the mass to adhere to Newton’s third law
Crowds reach a critical point where individual movement is overtaken by a collective dynamic, causing the mass to adhere to Newton’s third law
The two-minute, 18-second Running of the Bulls on Friday saw a number of falls among the animals from the Núñez del Cuvillo stockbreeder and the runners too
Wednesday’s event featured animals from the Jandilla ranch, and was completed in just over two minutes
Watch the video of Tuesday’s event, which was over in just 2 minutes 13 seconds, and left two people injured
Despite their reputation, the animals of the Cebada Gago ranch inflicted little damage in their 31st year at the world-famous festival
Videos on the convicted sex offenders’ cellphones revealed their groping and assault of an unconscious 21-year-old during a car journey
Two members of the gang, convicted of sexually abusing an 18-year-old, were recognized at the weekend while at a birthday celebration
Ángel Boza ran over two security guards after he was caught trying to steal a pair of sunglasses
In just two minutes and 12 seconds, animals from the Miura stockbreeder ran the streets of the northern Spanish city of Pamplona today, the last of this year’s Sanfermines runs
Runner gets left arm ripped by a horn in a fast Friday morning run at the San Fermín festival
The Jandilla bulls lived up to their reputation with a fast and dangerous race that saw one runner gored
The Jandilla ranch has produced some of the most dangerous bulls in San Fermín history
The steers led most of the way at the morning run of the world-famous San Fermín fiestas, until two bulls from the Victoriano del Río ranch finally decided that enough was enough
Day 5 of the world-famous Sanfermines fiestas saw animals from the Núñez del Cuvillo take to the streets of the northern Spanish city of Pamplona this morning
The animals from the Fuente Ymbro stockbreeder lived up to their reputation as some of the fastest to run the Pamplona streets, arriving in the pen in just two minutes, 15 seconds
On July 6, a rocket known as the chupinazo kicked off the mother of all Spanish fiestas. A million people from all over the planet come to Pamplona every year for the Sanfermines, an orgy of sound and color that lasts nine days and nights, and where no one is looking at their watch. This year San Fermín is looking to catch its breath in the wake of ‘La Manada’ sexual assault case. Here is how the biggest party in the world gets going
From the morning runs to the evening bullfights to the all-night partying, there is fiesta in the air
EL PAÍS looks at the staggering figures behind Pamplona’s world-famous bull-running fiestas
Political correctness, ignorance and moral righteousness are all enemies of the Pamplona fiestas
Pamplona-based writer Miguel Izu debunks some of the myths perpetuated over the years
Despite a mortality rate of just 0.017%, for 54% of the runners it’s a one-off event fueled by excitement and fear and the desire to feel alive at the end of it
Local writer Miguel Izu debunks some of the myths surrounding Pamplona’s famous fiesta