Justice Ministry pardons second dangerous driver sentenced to jail
Case comes just days after controversial reprieve from 13-year sentence for “kamikaze” who killed fellow road user
Case comes just days after controversial reprieve from 13-year sentence for “kamikaze” who killed fellow road user
Road trips fall due to economic crisis
Spain is about to join the Europe-wide trend of imposing a 30 km/h speed limit in built-up areas The evidence shows that it reduces accidents and road deaths
Only one killed over a weekend for first time ever
New report suggests clearly signaling speed traps slows motorists down
Spain's road-safety agency says it is considering a total ban on drivers drinking before getting behind the wheel
The director general of the DGT highway safety authority María Seguí talks about her policies
Commissioner in Extremadura was running opthalmology practice across the border Francisco Javier Fernández Perianes admits "putting his foot in it"