OECD wants safety nets for long-term unemployed to be strengthened
Agency expects jobless rate in Spain to climb to close to 28 percent in 2014
Agency expects jobless rate in Spain to climb to close to 28 percent in 2014
The government is considering further changes to the state retirement system The ongoing crisis and pressure from Brussels are pushing them toward making the move
Draft document on proposed reform calls for freezes during times of crisis No raise of retirement age from 67
But almost all of the new hiring is on a temporary basis ahead of main tourist season Number of new permanent contracts at 16-year low
UN labor agency warns policy could affect deficit-reduction plans by depressing spending further
Government-appointed committee’s plan would end index-linked rises
Unions and employers resolve issue raised by labor reform
"Today must represent a before and an after,” says UGT head Cándido Méndez
European Court of Justice reached similar decision last November
Economy shed 8,500 jobs a day in January
Economy Minister Luis de Guindos describes unemployment as “biggest drag” on country
Labor Ministry considering offering social security discounts for self-employed under 30
Last year saw 2,000 workers per day exiting Social Security system
Overhaul calls for pension entitlement parameters to be revised in line with state of economy
CCOO chief Toxo accuses PP of viewing popular protests as mere public order issue
Most holidays in 2013 won't need to be changed because they fall on Friday or Monday CEOE businessmen's group says that productivity drops the day after a long weekend
Overhaul put forward before previous amendments have taken effect
More than 5.7 million people in Spain are looking for work Youth unemployment hits 52.3 percent
Date falls in Catalan election campaign and coincides with pan-European labor protest against austerity policies
Awaiting approval by Congress, the government's spending plans for next year are based on shaky foundations
Unions demand a referendum over austerity measures
Unemployment benefit payments put deficit target at risk
PM accused of waiting for regional elections before deciding on inflation-linked rises
Delays blamed on complications with administrative process
New legislation means that the public sector will lose its previous immunity to mass layoffs
Spanish government to speed up law changes in bid to raise effective age of retirement
At least 100,000 people throng downtown Madrid, some clashing with police around the Congress building