The 14-day national incidence of the virus is now above 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants once more. The pressure on the healthcare system is still much lower than in other waves, but some hospital procedures are being rescheduled in regions such as Catalonia and the Balearic Islands
The Health Ministry is planning on passing a decree that will make home-testing kits available to members of the public without the need for a prescription
With the incidence rate rising to 368 per 100,000 inhabitants, the Valencia region has approved a curfew in 32 municipalities, while Catalonia is seeking to limit public and private social gatherings
According to the latest Health Ministry report, the more contagious strain accounts for 11% of cases, but experts warn that the real figure is much higher
The latest report included 14,137 new infections, and added 18 fatalities to the overall death toll. The two-week incidence of the virus rose 20 points in a day to 225
Experts say that even if younger people were to be immunized this would not immediately bring down contagion rates and that the older population must still be prioritized
Cases have been detected in several regions of Spain, prompting the government to advise youngsters to suspend end-of-school trips to the Balearic Islands
Nearly one third of the 40-49 age group have received the first vaccine shot, and the government is aiming to have 15 million people fully vaccinated by the end of this week
The Spanish government’s chief epidemiologist and the Health Ministry both opened the door to this possibility this week. But while some regions are already offering such an option, others are ruling it out
As the fall in transmission rates continues to slow, health authorities are rushing to vaccinate younger people, who play a key role in the spread of the coronavirus. Every region is now scheduling shots for the 40-49 age group
Health professionals are calling for more resources to cope with the work overload caused by the coronavirus crisis, with an estimated 5,000 more family doctors needed
Experts are divided on whether the measure should be lifted, with some arguing that coronavirus transmission rates need to be lower and vaccination coverage higher for it to be considered
The occupation rate of Covid-19 patients in intensive care has dropped to levels not seen since October 2020, but some experts worry there could be a new wave of admissions due to increased social activity
The vaccination campaign and the fall in transmission due to social restrictions has brought the number of victims down, but experts insist that caution is still needed if the situation is to continue to improve
The effect of the immunization program as well as a fall in transmission thanks to coronavirus restrictions has seen the number of victims plummet to a daily average of 52
There are currently no limits on inter-regional travel, but the courts are yet to decide on whether to approve other measures aimed at curbing the pandemic
The national 14-day cumulative number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants has dropped to 202, but the figure is at extreme-risk levels in six regions and the Covid occupancy rate in ICUs is 20%
The country’s regional governments have been calling for more action from the central government in order to avoid judicial chaos once the emergency situation ends on May 9
Several regional governments fear that measures to contain the pandemic may be struck down by the courts if the legal framework is not extended beyond May 9