The U.S. senate approved an initiative that would put an end to changing the clocks back in winter. The decision now awaits the approval of Congress and the president. But experts argue for keeping the winter schedule
The lawmaker, who lived through the insurrection just days after his son took his own life, is now one of the most high-profile members of the committee investigating what happened on January 6
The cartoonist speaks to EL PAÍS about the recent controversy sparked in Tennessee over his masterpiece ‘Maus,’ attributing the episode to ‘a cultural trend in America’
The American producer was part of an all-star performance, featuring Snoop Dogg and Eminem, but watching the event was a reminder that no, you are not young forever
Plaintiffs claim they rented the film because of deceptive advertising that showed scenes featuring the popular actress, who was in fact left out of the final version
Joe Biden’s cautious handling of the Ukraine crisis and his rhetorical commitment to strengthening world democracy signal a new era in the country’s foreign policy
A full 400 years after the meal with English colonists that gave rise to a US federal holiday, the Wampanoag, who survive on the coast of Massachusetts, are striving to tell the real story of that encounter and its devastating consequences
Toledo is marking the 400th anniversary of the death of the painter with a huge exhibition
The collection of 76 works offers a modern-day view of the Crete-born master
The museum's latest addition is a spectacular medieval coffered ceiling
Donated by the Várez Fisa family, it depicts dragons, bear hunts and busty maidens