Life at a company with a four-day workweek: ‘Mondays don’t wear me out anymore’
A reduced schedule and flexible workdays have improved employee motivation and productivity at a tech training company in northwestern Spain
A reduced schedule and flexible workdays have improved employee motivation and productivity at a tech training company in northwestern Spain
More and more people, especially those between the ages of 20 and 35, are investing in cryptocurrencies. They have lost confidence in the intrinsic value of money and in the conventional ways of obtaining it
There is a proliferation of ‘bikini baristas,’ girls who make and serve coffee in revealing clothing, reviving the macho spirit of Hooters for the millennial generation
After more than a year-and-a-half hiatus, the Colombian superstar has returned as stronger, more serious and, according to him, a more mature person
Philosophical consultation has long operated in the shadows, aiming to resolve crucial dilemmas and foster life tolerance rather than treat mental health issues
José Barrientos-Rastrojo is an expert in ‘philosophical advice’ that helps people deal with their existential problems. He also heads a pioneering project that applies the methodology at prisons in Spain, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina and Brazil
While some experts see little value in being nice to non-sentient entities, others say the way we interact with artificial intelligence could influence the quality of its responses
In his new book, the American neuroscientist explores all the recent advances in the study of how human beings retain information
A study reveals that, in the battle against disinformation, proving the falsehood of a news item is more effective than eliminating it. X has recently incorporated that approach for tweets
In 2024, what happens when a man paints his nails? Welcome to a maze of ‘allies,’ deconstructed footballers and the wrong color polish. Our reporter experienced it all firsthand
The actress who attached a face to Hollywood’s shameful episodes by addressing toxic work environments in ‘The Assistant’ does it again in ‘The Royal Hotel,’ a film so uncomfortable that some people prefer not to see any villains in it
Last month, Apple launched one of its most secret and eagerly awaited products. At over $3,500, the Apple Vision Pro has garnered both praise and criticism, especially for its design
Studies that show a drop-off in erotic couplings between young people have given rise to a host of theories on porn and the digitalization of culture. But others suggest that they are merely looking for other ways of being intimate
The French author just published ‘Desire, A Philosophy,’ a book in which he offers a historical and philosophical journey to understanding the nature of our desires and how to direct them toward what really benefits us
The Puerto Rican artist recently emptied his account, something increasingly common among users of the social network: some do it to cancel the past, others to make a fresh start and some to create expectation
The arrival of AI has turned expectations on their head when it comes to achieving complex communication with other species, and makes it possible to analyze their sounds, movements and behaviors to a degree of precision previously unthinkable
‘Effective accelerationism’ — a fashionable Silicon Valley movement — pushes the idea that technological innovation without regulation or restrictions is the solution to all the problems in the world
‘Fortnite’ is no longer just a game. It has become the world’s biggest concert hall into which we might all fit
Before the next step in his plan, which consisted in amputating a leg, Frenchman Anthony Loffredo decided to change course
The new stigma towards bisexuals has come from social media. He’s an imaginary character who deceives gay men with the possibility of a romantic relationship, when he is really only thinking about marrying his lifelong girlfriend
The possibility of connecting the mind to a computer is getting closer. The scenarios that open up range from hope to hypervigilance
Automation and advances in artificial intelligence are posing the enormous challenge of a labor revolution in which machines threaten millions of jobs with obsolescence
Inking your face was once a daring practice among eccentric stars, such as Mike Tyson. But, for some time now, it’s made the jump into everyday life… although a tattooed face is still viewed with a fair bit of fear
Although hip hop has made the phenomenon of ‘flexing’ popular, it’s common across professions and eras, from Picasso to Cristiano Ronaldo. Putting on a façade to impress people is also loaded with interpretations related to class and art that go beyond the surface
Consumption of this substance has reached its highest point since 2017 and is leaving a mark on popular culture. Some defend its therapeutic power, but others warn of its destructive potential
The latest idea among self-help gurus and apologists for classical masculinity is to run away from everything and disconnect for a while. However, this impulse isn’t really new: it’s an ancient phenomenon, one that’s recurrent in literature
Internal speech – that is, when you can ‘hear’ your own voice putting your thoughts in order – is common for many. But several studies have analyzed the minds of people whose flows of thought go beyond words