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Chiapas, captive territory

Pablo Ferri / Alejandro Santos Cid / Beatriz Guillén|Frontera Comalapa / Lacandon Jungle / Tapachula|

EL PAÍS travels along the border of the poorest state in Mexico, a region dominated by criminal groups. From the city of Tapachula to the Lacandon Jungle, passing through the towns of Frontera Comalapa and Chisomuselo, this story illustrates the fight between cartels, the abandonment of the state, the murders, forced displacements, kidnappings and extortions, along with the efforts made by the local and migrant populations to survive

Guerrillas of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation establish a roadblock near San Cristóbal de las Casas, on January 3, 1994.

And they shouted ‘enough’: The 30-year-long Indigenous uprising that rewrote Mexican history

Alejandro Santos Cid|San Cristóbal de las Casas (Chiapas)|

The Zapatista Army of National Liberation is celebrating the anniversary of the armed uprising that shook the Mexican status quo. From 12 days of war in 1994 to the failed negotiations with the government, from broken promises to building autonomy, the most iconic anti-globalization guerrilla movement has survived three decades